Swedish Flower Hen Thread

My dear husband listened to my discussion about the Cocci in the sand vs un/medicated feed in the broody pen problem. After tossing around some ideas we came up with a solution that he implemented today. The broody pen was designed to be divided up into sections as needed. We'll have fixed sections now but that is okay. He made a floor - platform style. It is up off the ground about 3 inches and made of that 1/2" wire on a frame. The bedding is on top of that. When it gets deep we can scoop it off and remove the floor to hose it off and won't have any rotting wood under the shavings.

This section of the broody is pen is about 4' square. Here is the little chicks in their new home. Well same home but with new flooring and he added the metal flashing too. It reflects the heat. They are all in the corner with the most flashing so they must like it!

Hopefully this new floor will reduce - if not eliminate uncontrolled exposure to Cocci. This way I can inoculate them with small batches of weeds/dirt as they get older. We've also switched back to unmedicated feed. This should go a long way towards stopping the SFH chick death.
Please keep us updated on this. I think we will all want to know the outcome and how it works for you after having had so much trouble.

X's 2!! This really was a bad year for cocci. I lost 3 meaties early in the summer and 3 SFH chicks to it just a week ago. Everyone else is fine. It sneaks up on you. I treated the rest of the meaties and SFH with Corid and they recovered quickly.
Does anyone want to take a guess at the gender of my young ones? I am terrible at figuring sex, but have my guesses.

I am no expert.... some of the other's in here are amazing. They will let you know. I like to try though. I count 4, maybe 5 boys. These first two pictures... the girl first, and the cockrel after are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of them very pretty.

I love your dog willing you to just let him have one to play with... Please mom... Just oooonnnnneeeeee!!!!

Very pretty birds...Nice to see them. Good Luck! How old are they?

Do you think this was due to being at the new place and not having a good established deep litter in place yet?

That could be part of it, but I don't usually do a true deep litter in my brooders anyway. For reasons unknown, I know of SO many people who have been hit with cocci... many of whom have never had issues before.
I have had cocci issues this year, but they could have been worse. At least I didn't lose any.

I must have missed part of the discussion on SHFs and medicated feed. Why can SHF be ok with Corid (amprolium) and not medicated feed (amprolium)? What am I missing here?
Here's a question maybe someone has some insight on. I am in Texas and of course it's hot. I'm in east Texas so not only hot but humid too. We've had a fairly mild summer ( about 98/99 when we are usually 102 or 103 this time of year ) so far but the last few days have been hotter. Last night or early this morning I had one of my SFH die. I had noticed yesterday she seemed to be sort of off and I did figure it was the heat. Of course we always loose the occasional bird and generally don't know why, it just happens but today I see another acting like she doesn't feel well. I am thinking I am going to lose her too. I had just wormed them last week, they have shade and plenty of cool/fresh water that has electrolytes in it. There are no symptoms of anything other than it being heat related. I have both crested and non crested. The bird that died was crested and the one not feeling well today is also crested. I have always had concerns that this breed might have more difficulty in Texas with the heat because they came from a mild climate but what I am wondering is if the crested birds may be even more susceptible to heat stress. Seems like the crest might make heat dissipation less effective. I don't know but wondering if anyone else has lost any birds since it has gotten really hot and were those birds crested. My non crested birds are so far doing fine but of course that could change at any time ( knock on wood!) Can't wait until cooler weather!!
I'm going to put in my .02 :)



If this bird is 12 weeks old, pullet.



Is this the same bird as the last one? Because this angle says pullet - especially if it is 12 weeks old.



This is a hard call.
Beautiful birds :)
Please keep us updated on this. I think we will all want to know the outcome and how it works for you after having had so much trouble.
I certainly will. When we went a full 24hrs w/o a death I almost celebrated but then another one bit the dust. Aargh. It's going to the lab for testing. It could still be cocci overload started while on the sand - or it could be the thiamine deficiency. Guess I'll find out.

I have had cocci issues this year, but they could have been worse. At least I didn't lose any.

I must have missed part of the discussion on SHFs and medicated feed. Why can SHF be ok with Corid (amprolium) and not medicated feed (amprolium)? What am I missing here?
My understanding is that the feed is continuous while the Corrid in the water is on an as-need basis. Someone correct me if I have misunderstood.

Here's a question maybe someone has some insight on. I am in Texas and of course it's hot. I'm in east Texas so not only hot but humid too. We've had a fairly mild summer ( about 98/99 when we are usually 102 or 103 this time of year ) so far but the last few days have been hotter. Last night or early this morning I had one of my SFH die. I had noticed yesterday she seemed to be sort of off and I did figure it was the heat. Of course we always loose the occasional bird and generally don't know why, it just happens but today I see another acting like she doesn't feel well. I am thinking I am going to lose her too. I had just wormed them last week, they have shade and plenty of cool/fresh water that has electrolytes in it. There are no symptoms of anything other than it being heat related. I have both crested and non crested. The bird that died was crested and the one not feeling well today is also crested. I have always had concerns that this breed might have more difficulty in Texas with the heat because they came from a mild climate but what I am wondering is if the crested birds may be even more susceptible to heat stress. Seems like the crest might make heat dissipation less effective. I don't know but wondering if anyone else has lost any birds since it has gotten really hot and were those birds crested. My non crested birds are so far doing fine but of course that could change at any time ( knock on wood!) Can't wait until cooler weather!!
We live in the Central Valley of California. Our summer has been unusually humid. We also have weeks of 100+ degrees. Not a single loss due to heat here on the farm and we have 60+ adult chickens. The SFH didn't even act fazed.

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