Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Well, my first try with shipped eggs was kind of a let down. Three made it to lockdown but only one made to hatch day. The other two must have died shortly after lockdown because they were both completely upside down when I did the eggtopsies.

Here's the little one, it was pretty weak for the first few days but I think it's pulled through. I'll probably be looking for someone in the Atlanta area with small chicks to adopt it because it's way too tiny to put in with my older birds now.



I would still love to hatch some SFH to add to my flock, but I next time I'll definitely seek out some local eggs.
Sorry to hear about the hatch.. I had only 1 hatch the first time I got some but I only had 4 eggs. I ended up finding someone about a hour away that had hatched some the same time as mine by a happy coincidence. So I made a quick run and got 3 more to be hatchmates so he wasn't a lone.
Can anyone tell me for a proven or known fact that vaulted skulls in SFHs is fatal? I know breeding crested to noncrested will cure the problem, but I would like to know more information about the vaulted skull problem.
I certainly will. When we went a full 24hrs w/o a death I almost celebrated but then another one bit the dust. Aargh. It's going to the lab for testing. It could still be cocci overload started while on the sand - or it could be the thiamine deficiency. Guess I'll find out.

My understanding is that the feed is continuous while the Corrid in the water is on an as-need basis. Someone correct me if I have misunderstood.
I had forgotten about the thiamine deficiency. Wonder if the SFHs are more prone to this deficiency than other breeds, and if so, wouldn't supplementing thiamine during the administering of medicated feed solved the problem? This is a interesting problem and I'm hoping you will be able to help us out from your lab test. Please keep us posted.

I'm sorry your losing chicks. It has to be extremely frustrating.
I had forgotten about the thiamine deficiency. Wonder if the SFHs are more prone to this deficiency than other breeds, and if so, wouldn't supplementing thiamine during the administering of medicated feed solved the problem? This is a interesting problem and I'm hoping you will be able to help us out from your lab test. Please keep us posted.

I'm sorry your losing chicks. It has to be extremely frustrating.
feeding additional thiamine during treatment using a thiamine inhibitor would defeat the purpose. But that's also why it's recommended to provide additional vitamin supplementation after treatment using such a drug.
Can anyone tell me for a proven or known fact that vaulted skulls in SFHs is fatal? I know breeding crested to noncrested will cure the problem, but I would like to know more information about the vaulted skull problem.

No - they are not fatal... BUT... it can make it much harder for chicks to hatch properly and many pip and then die. I have (had) 2 vaulted skulls (apparently Snape had a secret rendezvous with Ana) and both hatched and are fine. I still have one but sold the other to someone who wanted her. I have now made it impossible for Snape and Ana to rendezvous again - LOL! I don't and won't breed for it. It isn't a positive trait in this breed.

This chick is three weeks old. Male or female?

We live in the Central Valley of California. Our summer has been unusually humid. We also have weeks of 100+ degrees. Not a single loss due to heat here on the farm and we have 60+ adult chickens. The SFH didn't even act fazed.
So glad you hear your SF are doing so well in the heat. This is my first full summer with a number of SFHs and I have been closely watching since the heat started. I can't say they look totally unbothered by the hottest days but they have been getting through. I can tell they will be quite happy when cooler weather arrives! Our days have been hot but nights have been unusually cool for this time of year however the last few days before this hen died, our nights were typical August hot and humid. Although it was more typical for this time of year, the hens aren't use to it. I put the other hen that appeared to not be feeling well into a cage and brought her indoors. She is a doing little better.
Well, my first try with shipped eggs was kind of a let down. Three made it to lockdown but only one made to hatch day. The other two must have died shortly after lockdown because they were both completely upside down when I did the eggtopsies.

Here's the little one, it was pretty weak for the first few days but I think it's pulled through. I'll probably be looking for someone in the Atlanta area with small chicks to adopt it because it's way too tiny to put in with my older birds now.

I would still love to hatch some SFH to add to my flock, but I next time I'll definitely seek out some local eggs.
Oh such a cutie! I just had a lone hatch from some Isbar eggs I attempted to raise. I only have a small bator that fits 7 eggs, so when 4 were infertile/clear I through one of my own eggs in there just incase. Thank goodness a week later little Isbar had an EE cousin to grow out with. Don't give up on shipped SFH eggs. I guess they can be difficult to hatch without a broody. Did you try the dry hatch method that so many experienced peeps on here suggested with the SFH? I had 4 make it to lockdown my first try, and 3 hatched.. one even from the wrong end. The fourth needed assistance, and I waited a bit too long, but I think I would have been able to help if I hadn't waited. I am currently on my second batch of 7, and they are all in lockdown due to hatch Saturday. Candled before I locked down and all are wiggling and seemingly ready. Bulldogma shipped them wonderfully and I am so very hopeful I will have 7 new PULLETS by the end of the weekend! They are SO worth another try if you can't find any within driving distance. I am in NY, and as of yet, haven't found anyone raising them here... but perhaps now that I put that out there someone will appear!

Good Luck with the little one, keep us posted!
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