Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Okay, so photos of the beautiful boys! These are the 5 guys who are free to a good home and who will, sadly, otherwise end up in the freezer in about a month. They have great personalities, and at the moment all of them are still getting along really well. I am also impressed that there have been no alpha rooster battles with my older roosters, either; these guys are smart and stay out of the way of the big guys. They also make a chicken carpet at the base of our front door that we are greeted with when we open it, and they abandon what they're doing to run up to us in hopes of food any time we step outside!
will u ship to south ga
Okay, so photos of the beautiful boys! These are the 5 guys who are free to a good home and who will, sadly, otherwise end up in the freezer in about a month. They have great personalities, and at the moment all of them are still getting along really well. I am also impressed that there have been no alpha rooster battles with my older roosters, either; these guys are smart and stay out of the way of the big guys. They also make a chicken carpet at the base of our front door that we are greeted with when we open it, and they abandon what they're doing to run up to us in hopes of food any time we step outside!
Wow those boys are beautiful! I LOVE the first 2. I'm not in the market for any more boys tho. Just processed 2 of ours last weekend; it was not an easy thing to do. I was planning to do 3 but 1 of them I just wasn't ready to say bye to. And mine like to hang out on the porch just waiting for snacks! Which I wouldn't mind if they didn't poop everywhere :/ Also I love the silver (pullet I think) in the last picture! What beautiful coloring :)
This girl is for sale. 27 week old. Should start laying soon. Not a lot of flowering right now, but I'm told that after the first molt that can change tremendously. Organic, no-soy feed from hatch. PM if interested. I won't ship so it would need to be someone within driving distance.

Here's the chick that was in the ICU this weekend, looking much better (and much more like the SFH I expected, lol):

I see now that the two yellow chicks actually have a very soft red coloring on their backs and heads, so now I'm *super* interested to see how they feather out. If they're splash I won't mind, I just liked the flowered look.

My other 3 SFH never internally pipped. I think our unseasonably cold weather made it too dry in the house and they lost too much moisture. I had 5 out of 6 large Dominique eggs for a friend hatch just fine, I think because they were larger the extra moisture loss didn't effect them as much.

So this will be my last hatch for the winter, I will try again with SFH in the Spring unless I end up with 3 beautiful girls, haha. :)
not always. first, it depends on the e locus, second depends on the modifying genes, like lavender, blue (splash), mahogany, silver, dilute, etc.

splash based chicks look like the base variety it is, but will have pale silver where the others would be darker. splash e+ will still be chipmunk striped but the markings are very pale, splash partridge would still have the over all brownish tinge but more silvery brown where the others may be more black brown.
Thank-you for the reply, that's very interesting! I should have known it wouldn't be that simple with this breed. So do you have an idea what the chick with the cross-marking in my post above could be? I thought at first he was splash-based, because he's so yellow, but he doesn't really fit your descriptions above. Would be thankful for any ideas...
Thanks, ashtree, and yes the silver one is a pullet. The picture doesn't show it well, but she has really lovely lacing, too. I agree, the hanging out and waiting for snacks is adorable. Such great, interactive personalities on these SFHs! That is sweet you saved one from the pot. If only too many roosters didn't put so much strain on the girls, I think we'd all end up keeping all of our boys - I know if I didn't have to worry about keeping a reasonable ratio I would!
Thanks, ashtree, and yes the silver one is a pullet.  The picture doesn't show it well, but she has really lovely lacing, too.  I agree, the hanging out and waiting for snacks is adorable.  Such great, interactive personalities on these SFHs!  That is sweet you saved one from the pot.  If only too many roosters didn't put so much strain on the girls, I think we'd all end up keeping all of our boys - I know if I didn't have to worry about keeping a reasonable ratio I would!

I'd love to see more pictures of her, she looks so beautiful! And I have a very sad boy/girl ratio right now. 2 boys 3 girls :( and it looks like 5 out of my 6 chicks are boys. I do have some EEs I'm growing out but there's likely only 2 or 3 girls. So with my guesses that's still only 6 or 7 girls. Once I see signs my boys are being too hard on the girls I'll have to kick it back to 1. But right now it's good, there's an alpha and he's not aggressive. It's pretty gut wrenching for me to butcher boys and honestly I don't even like chicken meat. And I'm paleo so I eat ALOT of meat. Bird just kinda isn't my thing. But I don't like wasting, so it is what it is. I do wish the ratio thing didn't matter; it's the biggest issue for me.
unfortunately, there are so many mutations possible, and given the fact that you're not in the US, thus may be dealing with even more mutations (if possible?) for that one, time will have to tell. but I'd be curious to see how it develops. I've had some cochin chicks similarly marked but they had a combination of mille fleur (Columbian and partridge eb with mottled) and birchen (silver plus eR), ended up very silvery with random markings here and there but no mottling, since the birchen was pure

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