Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Well I just have to vent and say I really hate people that let their dogs run free. Over the last few months I have lost over a dozen chickens usually in the late afternoon after I let them out of their electric net enclosure. I couldn't figure out what was doing it but thought it had been dogs since my dog acts all crazy in the yard after other dogs have been in it.

Well today I found the culprits in the act killing two of my good SFH. It was two neighborhood dogs. I went out with all intents to kill both of them with the shotgun but the one scooted off into the woods and saw a collar and it came up to me when a called to it. I tied it up and called the Sheriff who sent out the AC deputy who arrived a little after the neighbor did looking for his dog.

The deputy explained in no small detail I had all rights to kill the neighbor's dog and he faced a fine if I wanted to press charges. I said if I ever see them again they are dead right there. The deputy suggested he reimburse me for the chickens to avoid court and dangerous dog charges. The owner was apologetic and agreed to pay me value ($30 a head) for my chickens. He also admitted that his dogs had brought chicken bodies home before but he didn't know where they had come from. Yeah OK whatever, I am the only neighbor in about a mile with chickens and every one knows who I am because of the eggs I supply. He did agree to pay me for a total of 4 SFH, two killed today and two whose bodies he found in the yard. The AC deputy said he was getting off light but he needs to keep the dogs penned up or on a leash otherwise they are going to end up dead and him in court.

Now I get to spend the next 9 months hatching eggs and growing out some more pullets to replace the 8 I have lost this winter to the dogs. How depressing.
I'm sorry you lost your hens. Dog people don't understand that chickens are our pets, as well as providers of food for our table. I hope your neighbor learned his lesson. Sounds like the deputy is doing his job at least, and is sympathetic to your problem. Not all are. We used to have lots of loose dogs running around until we got the mini donkeys. Good luck on your hatching!
I'm sorry you lost your hens. Dog people don't understand that chickens are our pets, as well as providers of food for our table. I hope your neighbor learned his lesson. Sounds like the deputy is doing his job at least, and is sympathetic to your problem. Not all are. We used to have lots of loose dogs running around until we got the mini donkeys. Good luck on your hatching!

Yeah we have pretty good deputies here. I had to dispatch two dogs before that were attacking sheep on a farm I rented before but didn't get any compensation that time. They did charge the woman for disposal of the dogs bodies and she was fined but her and her dogs already had a violation sheet as long as our arm.

Hopefully I can get down to Leigh's in the next few weeks to pick up some eggs and a roo she was holding.

I guess I will find out if he, and his wife who let the dogs out, learned his lesson or not.
Awe that's so sad the dogs got the chickens! My neighbors dog loves chickens too! He took a ton of feathers out of 2 of my barred rocks. But they both lived thankfully
I'm so disappointed with the post office. The box of these last shipped eggs was beat up pretty bad, and after candling this evening I'm quite worried we may not hatch anything. I can't keep paying for these eggs, knowing the PO workers don't care enough not to chuck the boxes everywhere.
Did they put any insurance on it? I wonder if you could turn in a claim.

I think we need to find you someone within driving distance that you can get some from without involving the post office!
I'm so disappointed with the post office. The box of these last shipped eggs was beat up pretty bad, and after candling this evening I'm quite worried we may not hatch anything. I can't keep paying for these eggs, knowing the PO workers don't care enough not to chuck the boxes everywhere.
I'm sorry that your eggs were handled roughly. IMO that box is not deep enough to protect the eggs. I know not everyone double boxes, but you have to at least allow enough room for padding to protect the eggs.

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