Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Woohoo! 7 out of 8 so far! Mama had almost abandoned 2 unhatched eggs a few times today to care for the hatchlings, but each time she moved, she would accept the eggs back if I put them in front of her. One was pipped and looked like I might have to intervene. However, I just went to check and spotted a new still-wet hatchling! The remaining egg might not be a viable one, or I suppose there's a slim chance it'll be a late bloomer. We shall see tomorrow! This is so exciting! I finally get to experience it instead of living vicariously through you wonderful BYCers!


Woohoo! 7 out of 8 so far! Mama had almost abandoned 2 unhatched eggs a few times today to care for the hatchlings, but each time she moved, she would accept the eggs back if I put them in front of her. One was pipped and looked like I might have to intervene. However, I just went to check and spotted a new still-wet hatchling! The remaining egg might not be a viable one, or I suppose there's a slim chance it'll be a late bloomer. We shall see tomorrow! This is so exciting! I finally get to experience it instead of living vicariously through you wonderful BYCers!



Awesome! I love watching broody hens and their chicks! Here's my broody teaching her chicks to scratch.
so, the Newbie hatchling from late yesterday afternoon almost didn't make it. When I checked back at around 7-7:30pm, mama had moved the babies to the nest, except Newbie, who couldn't walk yet. Newbie was shivering and cold and still wet...must've been left for 1-2 hours. I stuffed him under mama and hoped he'd make it through morning. And he did!!!! Woot! Newbie's biological parents are Salmon Faverolles.

Newbie all fluffed up and healthy today:

All the cute!


Congrats to the new hatches! And KYTinpusher, I'm jealous of those blondies in the middle of your picture!
I have a pair growing out that will probably be available soon.
They are about 8 weeks old. PM me if you want pictures and details.

Quote: What about this guy? He has a small crest, so it shouldn't affect his free-ranging. He is just over 5 weeks old. PM me for details if you are interested.

Woohoo! 7 out of 8 so far! Mama had almost abandoned 2 unhatched eggs a few times today to care for the hatchlings, but each time she moved, she would accept the eggs back if I put them in front of her. One was pipped and looked like I might have to intervene. However, I just went to check and spotted a new still-wet hatchling! The remaining egg might not be a viable one, or I suppose there's a slim chance it'll be a late bloomer. We shall see tomorrow! This is so exciting! I finally get to experience it instead of living vicariously through you wonderful BYCers!

How adorable!

Any help with sexing my 6 week old Swedish Flower?
Looks like a cockerel to me.

Last week I got my first SFH's after a long time wanting some. I think they are so beautiful. They are about 3 days old in these pictures.

They look great!
Can't wait to see pictures as they grow!

What eye color do your swedes have? I noticed mine both have blue.
I have seen green and orange, but not blue. Where did you get them?
Quote: Bulldogma or other SFH folks - What dose of liquid Corid do you typically give SFH chicks? 1/2 teaspoon per quart? I have a really lethargic SFH who is 8 days old. I lost a RIR chick 4 days ago, and thought the remainder of the chicks were OK, but now 1 of the SFH chicks is sick. I think it may be coccidiosis.

How long do you keep them on Corid? Do you re-dose them? Any advice would be appreciated!
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Bulldogma or other SFH folks - What dose of liquid Corid do you typically give SFH chicks?  1/2 teaspoon per quart?  I have a really lethargic SFH who is 8 days old.  I lost a RIR chick 4 days ago, and thought the remainder of the chicks were OK, but now 1 of the SFH chicks is sick.  I think it may be coccidiosis.  

How long do you keep them on Corid?  Do you re-dose them?  Any advice would be appreciated!

I found this to help you if you need to start dosing right away...not specific to SFH.

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