Swedish Flower Hen Thread







Good morning, everyone! There are my new SFH. The black, thw white and red, the blueish brown, and the red roo. Nit sure what their colors would actually be called. I think the last one is a speckled sussex. What do you guys think? Ive never had them before. Pretty excited :)






Good morning, everyone! There are my new SFH. The black, thw white and red, the blueish brown, and the red roo. Nit sure what their colors would actually be called. I think the last one is a speckled sussex. What do you guys think? Ive never had them before. Pretty excited :)

Your brown and blue one looks just like mine! How cute! :D
I love my Swedish Flowers, they are like a box of chocolates.. all unique and beautiful. I am wanting to show off some of mine.. Very sweet and great layers. These are babies.. I did not get picture of my hens or other roosters. Going to do that.
Note: The roosters comb is not yellow.. the sun and my phone did that for me..

 how do your SFH and Doms get along?  I've got 2 SFH (hens) now in with my main flock and I'm planning on hatching some Doms in a couple of months.  They would be in separate coops but may free range together. Just wondering...thanks!

Yes! The Doms are definitely flock rulers, but the pecking order was arranged without any problems. :) Our SFHs would be much more cuddly without the Dominiques pushing them back when we're out there with them, but after we lose our extra cockerels I think they'll be up in front and more social with us. It's not their fault, Doms are just attention hogs!
Here is mine. :)
I love my Swedish Flowers, they are like a box of chocolates.. all unique and beautiful. I am wanting to show off some of mine.. Very sweet and great layers. These are babies.. I did not get picture of my hens or other roosters. Going to do that. Note: The roosters comb is not yellow.. the sun and my phone did that for me..
Very pretty!!! It would be cool if they did have yellow combs :)
Great choice; Doms and Swedes go together like peas in a pod. Ours get along just fine and they are similar in many ways. Both are personable, both are excellent foragers, the eggs (of ours anyway) are almost identical in size, color, and frequency. They team well, too, because the SFHS forage almost too far away if given the chance but the Doms are methodical about foraging within a large radius of the coop, so in our Dom-rooster flock that keeps our SFH girls from wandering too far. During the winter, the SFHs help get everybody out of the coop when possible because my SFHs are always the ones to lead the charge outside on the coldest days. Summary: great match.
Great feedback, thank you! Hmm, I may have to hatch some SFH too, as the 2 I have were raised by a breeder and are not personable. I would really love to find a breed that has a cockerel that is gentle enough to keep around my family. I have read good things here about the SFH and elsewhere about the Doms.

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