Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Can I please get some opinions on these two boys from you more experienced Flower people. I ended up with 9 roos total from my order from GFF. Two were crested and have already gone to freezer camp. I now have to pick two keepers from the remaining 7. I chose 1 black based and 1 blue based. My hens are all black based with some crested and some not. They are 23 weeks old. Thanks. Also, if anyone near southern Oregon wants any roosters before they meet their maker, let me know. Haha
the blue tailed roo will give you more color variations than the black tailed one given that they are both equal in quality.
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Can I please get some opinions on these two boys from you more experienced Flower people. I ended up with 9 roos total from my order from GFF. Two were crested and have already gone to freezer camp. I now have to pick two keepers from the remaining 7. I chose 1 black based and 1 blue based. My hens are all black based with some crested and some not. They are 23 weeks old. Thanks.

Also, if anyone near southern Oregon wants any roosters before they meet their maker, let me know. Haha

I love both of their coloring. Nice looking roosters, especially for 6 month olds. Looks like they both have yellow legs and from what I can see they have symmetrical waddles and a good comb. The form might be best on the blue as his tail doesn't look as upright. Hard to tell from this angle. My only question would be the wing angle. Sometimes mine stand with their wings down like this and sometimes they are tucked up. I would ask someone with more wing expertise than me though to get information on correct wing angle. I am impressed with what you got from GFF! Nice!
I agree with Lisa the roosters are noisy. It would be difficult to hide if no roosters allowed. The good thing is most are very gentle. I have not had an aggressive too in the 3.5 years I have had the breed, but I know some owners have experienced some aggression.

Thank you all! I will plan to see if someone wants him. I have read in 2 places that people were not using crested roosters to breed. Is the crest something people don't like and are trying to breed out of the breed? He has a crest so maybe no one will want him. He is a cuddly fellow so far so he should be friendly to humans.
Thank you all!  I will plan to see if someone wants him.  I have read in 2 places that people were not using crested roosters to breed.  Is the crest something people don't like and are trying to breed out of the breed?  He has a crest so maybe no one will want him.  He is a cuddly fellow so far so he should be friendly to humans.
crested is found in the SFH breed. Depends on your hens. What you don't want to do is breed a crested hen with a crested roo as that has a chance of creating a double crest which is a vaulted skull. Breeding a non crested bird to a crested bird is okay because the chick can only inherit one copy of the crest. All you have to remember is to not mate crest to crest.
Both are gorgeous! Are they related? If not I would be tempted to keep both.

Thanks so much. I'm not sure if they are related. I wish they were banded or labeled somehow when I got them but no such luck. I don't have any neighbors so I can keep several boys if I need to, but I would prefer not to as the poor hens are getting tired of all these fools.
the blue tailed roo will give you more color variations than the black tailed one given that they are both equal in quality.

Thanks so much for the chart. That is really helpful. I may just keep one of both colors so hopefully we can get a good variety of chicks.

I love both of their coloring. Nice looking roosters, especially for 6 month olds. Looks like they both have yellow legs and from what I can see they have symmetrical waddles and a good comb. The form might be best on the blue as his tail doesn't look as upright. Hard to tell from this angle. My only question would be the wing angle. Sometimes mine stand with their wings down like this and sometimes they are tucked up. I would ask someone with more wing expertise than me though to get information on correct wing angle. I am impressed with what you got from GFF! Nice!
Thank you for your opinion on my two roos. They do both have good yellow legs, straight toes, good single combs, no split wing. I don't think wing angle is a problem, as they were all freaked out when I was taking their picture because my dogs were running around. I think they were just in freak out rooster mode. When I went back out to check, their wings were way more tucked up. Here are some pics of a couple of my "left over" roos.
Thanks so much for the chart. That is really helpful. I may just keep one of both colors so hopefully we can get a good variety of chicks. Thank you for your opinion on my two roos. They do both have good yellow legs, straight toes, good single combs, no split wing. I don't think wing angle is a problem, as they were all freaked out when I was taking their picture because my dogs were running around. I think they were just in freak out rooster mode. When I went back out to check, their wings were way more tucked up. Here are some pics of a couple of my "left over" roos.
Your Roos are beautiful. I got a pair from GFF. I love my roo. Most of my chicks from GFF turned out to be pullets. Wish I had some more Roos.
I keep saying if I'm getting mostly pullets, then somewhere someone has to be getting mostly males. It's good to have a large number of males to choose from. Especially when taking personality into account. You can have a "perfect" bird but if he's nasty or to rough with the girls you may choose the next in line.

I would have liked to have got a breeding group of cream legbars but the few males I got were dissapointing, as were some pullets. I will use the pullets as layers for now and see what I get in the future. I'm going to focus on my SFH and my bielefelders for now. If I were close I would take an extra male off your hands. I have chicks in the brooder now so I'm sure I will have extra males soon.

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