Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Just put some SWF x Blue/Black/Splash Ameraucana eggs under a broody hen. Can't wait to see what comes of that. I had to seperate the boys, and the only way to do it was to divide them between the laying hens. My SFH pullets arent laying yet.
Just put some SWF x Blue/Black/Splash Ameraucana eggs under a broody hen. Can't wait to see what comes of that.

I've done that.
Those three are just 2 days old. But - I've hatched a lot of them in an incubator. The chicks are 8, 9 and 11 weeks now and are adorable. I'm going to keep the most interesting and see what color eggs they lay. I would think they should be light green. I may then try putting them with a Cream Legbar rooster to see if it will make the eggs bluer. My project.

A white with red crested SFH cockerel was put in with the laying flock including an amazingly sweet blue Ameracauna hen. Her blue eggs are easy to pick out from the rest. Their chicks are mostly splash. All have the beards and muffs and about 1/4 have a crest, too.

A mille fleur SFH cockerel with a crest was given a rather plain blue Ameraucana hen as well as three wheaten Ameraucana hens. Those chicks are about half blue and black (no splashes) and half varying shades of red. Most of them have either beard and muff OR a crest. Some have none and just a handful have both. I'm not real fond of solid color chickens but most of the blue and black ones are getting different color feathers in the base color now. Also, there is something really adorable about a coal black chick with a crest.

What color was your cockerel? You are going to get really cute babies.
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Great info! I wasn't planning to hatch any crosses, but since I had a broody I figured I would give her a few eggs. More to see if the roosters were doing their job.. (They are young, 19 weeks) I have four roosters at the moment. Three are red and white....almost identical with the exception of one having a crest (My favorite), and one that is more normal SFH rooster coloring with the mahogany wings with gold neck and saddle feathers and red/white mottled chest. They were starting to fight and I didn't have the breeder cages ready yet so I separated them between two pens, 1 dominant, and one less so in each pen with 11 hens each pen. (one pen has all layers, and the other has 5 pullets the same age as the roosters, and six layers) So far they are getting along pretty well.. with minor skirmishes now and then. The crested guy and the more colorful one have the 5 young pullets and 2 Black, and 4 Blue Ameraucana hens. The other red and white guys have 1 Black, 1 Blue, 6 Blue Splash, and 3 Blue Wheaten Ameraucana hens. The broody has 12 eggs, with some from each pen. The eggs were marked to see if one pen has better fertility than the other.
Do any of you live in Tennessee? I am potentially looking for a non-crested Swedish Flower Hen Rooster. If you do live in Tennessee, PLEASE let me know. Any answers would be appreciated.
I am in Johnson City, TN and am currently hatching eggs from contrastphoto (should be coming out this weekend). I'm sure I will have at least one extra but, We are not sure if they will be crested or not and still will be several weeks out before I could guess. If you don't find one and are interested in a pullet you can message me later.
Hi I'm also from Vermont and I have a few Swedish Flower Hens chicks that my bantams just hatched out. I got the eggs from e-bay from a reputable breeder and had pretty good luck on the hatch out. I also got some barnevelders (Holland) and they did even better on hatch-out. I am eager to see their final size when adult; as the other hens I have are all bantam size. I am hoping the Swedish flower hens are mild enough temperament-wise to blend with the birds who hatched them, or that they are not too much bigger in size so they all get along. Time will tell. They are about three weeks old right now. Some are primarily light coloured but most are darker colours. I free-range the whole flock so they should be a great fit for this area. My big chicken experiment! Ha!
Hi  I'm also from Vermont and I have a few Swedish Flower Hens chicks that my bantams just hatched out.  I got the eggs from e-bay from a reputable breeder and had pretty good luck on the hatch out.  I also got some barnevelders (Holland) and they did even better on hatch-out.  I am eager to see  their final size when adult; as the other hens I have are all bantam size.  I am hoping the Swedish flower hens are mild enough temperament-wise to blend with the birds who hatched them, or that they are not too much bigger in size so they all get along.  Time will tell.  They are about three weeks old right now.  Some are primarily light coloured but most are darker colours.  I free-range the whole flock so they should be a great fit for this area.  My big chicken experiment!  Ha!
Hi and :welcome !! The Swedes are very mild tempered. They do the regular pecking order thing, but mine accepted all new birds easily into the flock. I always put them in a pen where my other birds can see them, come up to the cage, for a couple of weeks. Then I free range them with the flock, putting them up at night in their own cage. After a week of this I'll see what happens at roosting time. If all goes well then I officially call them integrated. I don't think you're going to have any problems. They're very easy going. They're great free rangers. They're fast and always aware of their surroundings.
Congratulations on your new birds!
Going to try to get some pics of the pullets I have from that last hatch. One I'm completely smitten with. I got 6 more developing in the incubator (set 8)!!!

Someone has to stop me!!!

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