Swedish Flower Hen


8 Years
Apr 12, 2014
Does any one know any thing about the Swedish Flower Hen ? I came across an article in a chicken magazine I am interested in them. But are they cold hardy can they be used as a meat bird if there is to many rooster. I have EE right now but I want a different kind of bird. Also are there any breeders ? Thanks
thanks Cascadiariver I think they are beautiful birds but is there a market for them if I breed them?
Ha were I live there is no market for anything. I live in an area that doesn't care about selective breeding. most people get chickens from the tractor store. I don't even think 4H does poultry mainly cows and goats. All my business will have to be done online. well I guess it still would be fun to work with them for my enjoyment. I have a lot of Mennonites around me there animals have to have a purpose. Thanks.
Does any one know any thing about the Swedish Flower Hen ? I came across an article in a chicken magazine I am interested in them. But are they cold hardy can they be used as a meat bird if there is to many rooster. I have EE right now but I want a different kind of bird. Also are there any breeders ? Thanks

I have SFH's and love them! They are cold hardy and are dual purpose birds. Mine are too sweet to eat though!

I bet you saw the article in the Chickens magazine TSC sells. It was a good article. try @OHfarmerswife here on BYC. She has been breeding SFH's for over 3 years and has a large flock. I know she ships.
cree57i yes i saw the article in the chicken magazine i will check @OHfarmerswife out. i noticed you are in Tn i am in Ky did you get the snow today now it is sleeting. i am going to have to wait on till all this weather is gone before i get any more chickens.I have duck eggs in the incubator right now and i am worried about the power going out. Thanks
cree57i yes i saw the article in the chicken magazine i will check @OHfarmerswife out. i noticed you are in Tn i am in Ky did you get the snow today now it is sleeting. i am going to have to wait on till all this weather is gone before i get any more chickens.I have duck eggs in the incubator right now and i am worried about the power going out. Thanks

We got a little, but it is supposed to warm up and rain now. I am sure we can help you out with SFH's when you're ready. Mine may even be laying by then!

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