Sweet! I get my craft room back!


12 Years
Oct 21, 2007
Central Coast, CA
In other words, my sister's going home tonight! She's here every other weekend. We pick her up from school friday(an hour away), and take her back sunday afternoon. Her bedroom is the allie/guest bedroom. That and my extra floor space(for cutting) and the room with my sewing machine. So I go explode, then have to clean it up every 2 weeks. But I'm working on the 2 different quilts and 3 different dresses, so I need my machine desperately!

But she's leaving in about 1/2 hour, so I'm getting it back! Yay!

My daughter wen tback to college today too, guess spring break is over for everyone, lol! I don't use her room for anything, it is still hers...but when she gets her own apartment I sure have some ideas for it then, loL!!!!!!!
She's not in college, she's actually 2 years younger than I am. So she's 14. She lives with her mother(she's technically both of ours, but she disowned me) while I live with my dad and mom(really my step-mom, but she's more of my mom than that other woman was). I'm in college, and our spring break is Marhc 24-??
Well since your spring break is later in the month, maybe you'll have some warm weather!! It's windy and chilly here!! You'll have plenty o ftime to go crazy making crocheted granny squares, lol!!

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