Sweet PDZ in run?


5 Years
Apr 2, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
I can't seem to find a definitive answer on here saying if it's safe or not to add sweet pdz to your chicken run. I have an all sand 12X12 run that i was hoping I could sprinkle a little pdz as a smell preventative as it's surprisingly a little stinky with only 8 chicks in there even though it's completely roofed and very dry. They have been living in there full time for 3 weeks now, so I'm surprised it's already smelling. Should I rake it out regularly?
I have 12 chickens and I clean out the coop once a week and once a month I hose mine down and do a deep clean and I do not hAve a very smelly area at all. So I would say just keep it maintained and the smell should go away. And I'm downhill from my coop so wind blows the right way or not your going to smell it. But like I said just keep it kept up and you should be fine
I clean the coop regularly of course, but the sand run? Are you suggesting I just hose it down? I don't want to wash away my sand. :hmm

I have 12 chickens and I clean out the coop once a week and once a month I hose mine down and do a deep clean and I do not hAve a very smelly area at all. So I would say just keep it maintained and the smell should go away. And I'm downhill from my coop so wind blows the right way or not your going to smell it. But like I said just keep it kept up and you should be fine
Sweet PDZ is environmentally safe and has all natural ingredients. I use it in my coop of 16 chickens. My chickens sleep on the roost and I built a large box under the roost that I fill with sweet PDZ. It acts as a litter box. It absorbs moisture from the droppings which keeps the smell down and keeps the flies down. I use a cat litter scoop to clean out the droppings once a week.

As far as the run, it might get expensive to cover the run with PDZ. It last for a decent amount of time in my litter box setup, but It cost me about $7 for a 25lb bag in NJ. I free range my chickens so they don't spend much time in the fenced run. My run floor is natural ground in the woods so its shaded all day and on a slight slope so rain water flows through without pooling up.
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I use it in the coop as well, but what about the run? Is it safe if they ingest it while they are pecking and scratching and eating things in the run?

Sweet PDZ is environmentally safe and has all natural ingredients. I use it in my coop of 16 chickens. My chickens sleep on the roost and I built a large box under the roost that I fill with sweet PDZ. It acts as a litter box. It absorbs moisture from the droppings which keeps the smell down and keeps the flies down. I use a cat litter scoop to clean out the droppings once a week.
I think it is safe if they ingest it. Its used for horses, rabbits, dogs, birds, and other small animals to absorb ammonia from droppings. Its a natural inert volcanic material made up of clinoptilolite, which is basically a silicone based mineral. They will not ingest much of it, but chickens naturally eat small pebbles off the ground anyway. The pebbles sit in their crop and it helps grind food before it goes to their stomach.

Here is some manufacturers info. http://www.sweetpdz.com/our-products.html
I can't seem to find a definitive answer on here saying if it's safe or not to add sweet pdz to your chicken run. I have an all sand 12X12 run that i was hoping I could sprinkle a little pdz as a smell preventative as it's surprisingly a little stinky with only 8 chicks in there even though it's completely roofed and very dry. They have been living in there full time for 3 weeks now, so I'm surprised it's already smelling. Should I rake it out regularly?
I'm in PA and it's been a very rainy spring. So much that the run turned into about 4 inches of stinky mud (even though it's on a hilltop!). We spent last week adding sand and stone in for drainage. Topped it off with sweet PDZ. I think it helped. And have seen no issues with the birds!
Great, thanks!

I'm in PA and it's been a very rainy spring. So much that the run turned into about 4 inches of stinky mud (even though it's on a hilltop!). We spent last week adding sand and stone in for drainage. Topped it off with sweet PDZ. I think it helped. And have seen no issues with the birds!

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