Sweetest Duck Contest

Meet Snuggles. He really lives up to his name! He only likes to snuggle with one special person, though -- my daughter, Sarah. :love

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My sweetest duck was the runt of the "litter" - the smallest in the cardboard box that the hatchery sent. Her name is Dot and she's the lowest in the pecking order. She gets the least upset of any of the ducks when I hold her (none of them like it, though I will never give up gradually and gently trying to bribe them into it with As Many Peas As It Takes...). I wonder if she's just used to being pushed around or if she really doesn't mind. But she also has a mischievous streak. All the ducks know to stay inside their run and not climb over the threshold when I open the door, but she's the only one who pushes the envelope by reaching over the threshold and ruffling the wood shavings for insects until I warn her that I'm about to close the door and she needs to stop so I don't pinch her bill. She also has a particular way of standing sometimes that makes her look a little like a penguin. Here's a closeup of her sitting on my lap this week. In case you can't tell from her body language, she would like a treat. ;-)
This is my absolute sweetheart Bundtcake 💕

Bundcake is roughly 7 months old now and doesn't live with her flock, and instead in my home with me and my cat. She was two days late to hatch compared to her siblings, got stuck in her shell, and didn't absorb her yolk all the way. We were terrified she wasn't going to make it the first week, but I wrapped her up in a warm blanket and pretty much carried her around with me everywhere until she was strong enough to lift herself! She didn't want to spend time with her siblings, and they quite violently picked on her in the brooder, so she slept in a towel in my bed next to me. She's scared of other ducks, can't fly straight, and has a neurological issue from birth making her a bit slower mentally than your average duck. All in all, this is my sweet muffin and I love her and spoil her with everything I can ❤

edit: she also LOVES watermelon and preening my hair.
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