Sweetgrass & Lavender Palm mix

Austria, Thanks for the info. I will have to take your word for it, since that stuff is above my head, LOL. I was assuming she was a lavender based off of Porters description stating that they are a bit paler than slates, and the photo he shows of the blue has quite darker lines.

"Self Blue (Lavender)Palms will breed true bred to the same. These are a bit paler blue than the single slate gene type."

So do I have a true blue sweetgrass? Also my other 2 seems to be a good bit darker, does this mean they are just a cross or do they still stay a pure sweetgrass?

The most important difference between Lavender and Blue Palm is the expression of black.
A Lavender Palm doesn't have any black speckles. Yours does, so she's definitely not DD. Therefore, yours is just a Blue Palm.


Sweetgrass in generell do come in a big variety. They can almost show no brown color at all, or have an almost solid colored body. Mine are usually on the lighter spectrum.
As you can see, some single black speckles indicate the heterozygosity (Dd).


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