Swelling On Duck's Toe ~ PICTURE ~ URGENT


7 Years
Jun 11, 2012
Cleveland, MS
Hey again guys!!! I'm back! If you read my last post (and saw the pictures on it) you will notice that all of the sores on this (left) foot have healed... This picture was taken after tonight's E.S. (Epsom Salt) water foot bath and you can see that compared to the last picture (on my last thread) the swelling on the middle toe has gone up immensely. She has been limping quite a bit and lays around a lot. I have also seen her holding the foot up to avoid putting any pressure on it. I thought was just splinter or thorn and that it would just swell until it formed a head and came out, but it just keeps swelling. It is very warm compared to the other foot. Is it just a splinter that's taking a while to come out or is it something worse? I have been soaking it in E.S. water for 5-10 minutes one time a day and putting anti-biotic cream on it before I put her away at night. I stopped wrapping it because I didn't know how much it would help. I am going to begin soaking it 2 times a day so maybe it will get better faster. Right now the swollen "toe" (Is that what they are called on a duck? :p) is my main priority due to the fact that it is the thing that is bothering her the most, so I want to make my little ducky better.
Thanks guys and I really do appreciate any input on the situation! :D

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I have the same problem with my magpie and have used tea tree oil on it and the swelling has decreased by 70% in less than a week. I also added Niacin to her water as her layin down due to the swelling weakend her legs.
I used a Q-tip and didnt bandage it but you could if you wanted, just make sure your duck doesnt go in the water once it has been applied. The oil smells like pinesol so im guessing it might feel toxic in the water

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