Barefoot Farm VT
In the Brooder
Not sure what to make of this one. 3 week old chick had a large crop 2 days ago. I always expect a big plump crop when visiting them first thing after sunrise, after chowing down their morning meal. The chick I am posting about, the crop has only seemed to grow larger and swollen. Like things are going in and not out. Chick walks hunched over and not upright. Cannot peep like the others, but still moves as speedily. This is a group of about 50 chicks, 25 per brooder. Eating chick starter/grower 20% from Dumor. Feeders and waterers never less than half full. Always 2 TB of ACV in the water per gallon. They have had a sprinkle of 2 of chick grit into their food as well as 1 clump of sod a week back, totally gone by now. Gave the sick chick a dropper of ACV last night and a little upside down massage to see if the crop would clear out the top end, no luck.