Swollen eye


member 129538

I got a new chicken last night and she appears to have swollen eyes. I got her at night to make the move less stressful for her but I didn't get a good look at her before I got her (my dumb mistake). She came from a small 3 bird flock.

I'm not seeing any eye worms and there's no smell. She's eating, drinking, and pooping fine. She seems alert and was preening herself this morning. I have her inside for comfort and to keep her as far away from my flock as possible.

The pics aren't great. Let me know if you need better ones. What do you think she has and what kind of antibiotic should I be giving her?

I just emailed him.The weird thing was the other 2 chickens were facing us and I remember seeing their eyes open and clear.

I figured this might be early stages of mycoplasma.
This breaks my heart.
Is this contagious to my dogs and cat? I'm keeping them out of the room she's in but I don't want to get them sick too!
The guy got back to me and said she's had eye worms before. I had him check his other chicken's eyes to confirm and they look fine. I was going to treat her and then I noticed she has lice too. He apologized and is going to pick her up today. She is by far the friendliest chicken I've ever met and I'm sad to see her go but it's really best for the health of my flock.
The guy got back to me and said she's had eye worms before. I had him check his other chicken's eyes to confirm and they look fine. I was going to treat her and then I noticed she has lice too. He apologized and is going to pick her up today. She is by far the friendliest chicken I've ever met and I'm sad to see her go but it's really best for the health of my flock.
I have dealt with eye worms and the eye wasn't swollen (bulging) (when I had two chickens with it) but things are different for everyone. For him maybe it did make the eye swollen- but you can never be too careful when you bring in new chickens. Good on him for agreeing to pick up the chicken!

It really would be better if you didn't take a chance on keeping her in my opinion. Stay strong and protect your flock!
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It could be allergies. One of my easter eggers had the same problem. I separated her and put her on tetracycline just in case. I flushed her eyes with saline and put a light layer of Neosporin on her eye lids. I know my allergies were bad so I figured she just had them too. I took her off the antibiotic (didn't want her getting used to it incase of an emergency), kept doing the saline ointment routine for almost a week, and she cleared up just fine. I'm thinking she probably just got debris in her eyes.
I appreciate everyone's help with this issue! I wasn't comfortable with the eye issues but the lice would be too much. It can so easily transfer to my chickens and trying to treat 13 chickens for lice sounds like a nightmare. They bathe in dirt everyday and I put some DE on them last week and more today. Also spread some throughout the coop. I hope that helps prevent any that may have transferred. =/

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