Swollen eye


In the Brooder
Apr 3, 2015
Hello everyone!
I came home to find one of my hens hiding in the barn with an eye injury. I took her out and have her isolated from the flock ( she is the only one with a swollen eye). It looks as though she may have hit her eye on the roost in the coop. When I inspected the coop I noticed a small amount of blood on the roost across from where she sleeps ( she sleeps on the lid of the water bucket of some reason, there are plenty of roosts for her) Her eye has started to ooz and is swollen shut. I have included a picture of her eye. Any suggestions on how to help her get better would be wonderful. Thank you in advance.
I have an ameraucana who's eye done the same thing, still not sure if she was poked by something or maybe pecked by one of my ornery silkies. Any who I was told to put antibiotic eye drops or neosporon in it. I didn't have any eye drops but did have the neosporon, 2 days later and it's almost healed completely and she's more active! She never showed any symptoms of being sick just had the swollen eye and didn't want to leave the roost.
Thank you for your help. The swelling has went down and I noticed a white film over her eye. I started to use antibiotic eye drops on her and the white film is gone but she still won't open her eye unless there is a noise that startles her. It looks like there is a red dot in her eye, could she be blind now? Also she was making noises when she heard the rooster crowing this morning so I let her out to free range with the flock, she seemed very nervous and trailed behind. At night when they went into the coop she went in the barn to her hiding place. I have her back in isolation now. I am not sure how long I should keep her from the flock or if it would be better to reintroduce her at night? Any suggestions would be wonderful.

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