We have a three or four year old red who has been odd today. We just got back from a week long vacation, leaving our chickens with responsible house sitters, though they weren't experienced with chickens. The temp rose significantly while we were gone and our coop wasn't up to par, this is our first year as chicken owners. When we got back we installed screens and a fan, and put out some extra water bowls. We've only had her a month or so, and she's never laid so I think she's done with that. Anyway, she's been pooping a lot today, not totally abnormal looking but not firm either. Her vent is swollen, color looks normal. I just flipped her over and she felt hard in her backside/abdomen, like she was full of fluid. Could this have something to do with heat adjustment? I would think it had to do with egg laying but as far as I know her egg laying days are over. What could it be?