Swollen Teat on Goat, lying down and straining[help finding a vet too]


12 Years
Dec 13, 2007
Hi there, we had a goat wander up in our pasture and we contacted the owner, but they didnt want her anymore so we kept her. We have plenty of experience with horses but none with goats. She seems a bit uncomfortable and is lying down most of the time. She is using the bathroom but not very often. When she does urinate its not much and she looks like she is straining. Her teat is also a good bit swollen. We had our equine vet out to look at her, but he doesnt have much experience with goats. He has given us some SMZ (Sulfamethoxazole) to give to her 2x a day.
We are hoping to find a vet nearby experienced with goats. Are there any that you guys may know of around the Newnan, Douglasville, Peachtree City,Monroe GA area? Anyone have an idea whats wrong with her?

Thank you! Any help is appreciated!!
Have you tried milking her? She may have mastitis. You need to see if you can get anything out of there. Is there a possibility that she could also be pregnant?
Have you tried milking her? She may have mastitis. You need to see if you can get anything out of there. Is there a possibility that she could also be pregnant?

We felt her teets and they were not hot or anything. We also tried milking her, but nothing came out. We will try again tomorrow. We have no clue if she was exposed to any other male goats or that she is possibly pregnant. We will also take her vital signs tomorrow and do some research on the normal vitals to see if those differ.
Thank you for your help!
doxicillin /tetra and that range are usually better for most goat things... i hope its injections and not oral..never give a goat oral antibiotics.

it could also be like a sort of colic... how are her pellets? put your ear to her left side. do you hear her rumen working. it should sound like a washing machine sort of, gurgling, every one to three minutes with a wave of movement. if there is no wave, or the souonds are dim, or very logn intervals, then she has the goat equivalent of a colic/and thats a different ball game, btw, the vet can hear with a stethascope really easily...

any goat that stays down for long periods of time is a goner, so u have to get her up, drinking (u can use a small plastic coke bottle with warm water and a bit of baking soda in it, pour some in the side of her mouth and let her swallow, dont throw it down her throat... the baking soda will help with any rumen issues...

take her temperature... its really easy, jsut like with a horse, with a thermometer, one persone holds her, one person checks... cant remember off hand the temp but if u google this site they are my gurus for goats:

fias co farms.... they have basically a goat handbook for dummies, that has saved more then one of my goats' lives in the past, when poepel here were clueless ...

is her udder filled? or just the one teat? could be no connection. some goats just have a thickened teat from past trauma, so it my not have naything to do with her straining. the straining sounds more like a digestion problem... could she have eaten a plastic bag or cloth or something, and it is blocking her gut?
Crazy question, how long have you had her? Could she be bred and going into labor? Gestation takes five months for goats. When starting early labor, they are often up down up down. Their udder can begin to fill up to a month before kidding, but it REALLY fills when kidding is close. Sometimes their labor contractions can look a bit like trying to urinate.

Edit: didn't see Glen ask the same quesiton, oops!
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you would think that a horse or large animal vet would know if she was pregnant or not? here any large animal vet has to know a bit about camels, horses, donkeys, goats sheep although not neccesarily cows as they have separate vets (no one raises cows as pets, they are mostly only on huge dairy farms)...

so, any news?
Hi there, we had a goat wander up in our pasture and we contacted the owner, but they didnt want her anymore so we kept her. We have plenty of experience with horses but none with goats. She seems a bit uncomfortable and is lying down most of the time. She is using the bathroom but not very often. When she does urinate its not much and she looks like she is straining. Her teat is also a good bit swollen. We had our equine vet out to look at her, but he doesnt have much experience with goats. He has given us some SMZ (Sulfamethoxazole) to give to her 2x a day.

We are hoping to find a vet nearby experienced with goats. Are there any that you guys may know of around the Newnan, Douglasville, Peachtree City,Monroe GA area? Anyone have an idea whats wrong with her?

Thank you! Any help is appreciated!!

Walton county extension office ask for glen blair. That antibiotic you give 1x day for 5days. Double dose 1st day then reg dose 4 days after but this won't help this. She could be breed you should be able to palpatate the kids by this time. Worm her with goat safeguard for 3 days in a row. Go to facebook and go to goatwisdom it is a great site
Im sorry I wasnt able to reply back to this thread, we do have an update on the goat though. Sadly she passed away in July. She was lying down and not showing much interest in food. In the night she passed away. We are guessing she was an older goat and possibly had cancer in her reproductive organs that caused a symptoms of pregnancy and kidding. Thank you guys for your input and help. I hope this helps anyone else who may have similar issues arise.

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