Synchronized chickens on their side... ??


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 1, 2011
I'm a first time, proud momma of 6 Sexlinks. Approximately 4 months old. :eek:)

What does it mean when all 6 chickens come to greet you and then all of a sudden the all lay on their sides and stick one wing in the air when they are laying there? They have plenty of water, plenty of shade, but the place they did that was in the direct sun. The temp. is about 78 degrees and they weren't hot... I brought them a treat and then they put a synchronized show for me... it was quite comical!

They are sunbathing and / or dust bathing. Sometime they look like they have been deboned when they do that -- it can really startle you the first time you see it, if you're not prepared.
Thanks ! :eek:)

I just had a friend who said basically the same thing.... they were getting their vit. D from the sun. They don't have feathers under their wings (mostly sking) so they lift their wings when they're laying on their side to get a good dose of vit. D!

Hope it's alright to share on here: Here's a video of my girls :eek:) This was last month... they have grown since then.

I look forward to learning more from this site.

Oh, and how rude of me not to welcome you to BYC!

You will love the people you "meet" (for the most part
) and learn the right ways to do things and how to fix the things you did the wrong way before you asked.... At least that's how it went for ME!

Aren't chickens such surprisingly interesting creatures? I was so amazed to learn they each have their own personalities! Not just "this is how a RIR or a Cochin acts...." They are individuals.

Love 'em.
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