Take the mean out of game rooster?

Thanks for the tips. Like I said he is a rescue and from what I can tell his previous owners didn't take very good care of any of them (the hens were beaten up pretty bad). I'm going to work with him and see if I can get him to calm down some. You're probably right about the molting; he also has a band that cut into his leg and was probably causing him pain so I'm working on getting that healed up too. He isn't aggressive towards the hens he was rescued with but doesn't do well with my others and he doesn't necessarily come after me but he doesn't like me in his space.

Not a man-fighter so a completely different ball game. The aggression you describe is not a big deal. Mine can be unpleasant to hens and pullets they do not know. Consider keeping him by himself for a while to invest in taming him. Work with him daily providing some high protein (insect) treat or a coarse grain mix he must get out of you hand. Sit by his pen and read a book. I like them to allow me to tough their flank with the back of my hand at the very least without panicking. Then get him to point where he will allow you to scoop him up by the breast. Games are exceptionally easy to train for handling, no other breeds come close especially when you start with adults.
When I read "rescue" that makes me a little queezy. Most parties I see using that term know very little about chickens and where gamefowl are involved, it is often the case where birds were taken in a manner from original owner and was contested. The takers have a tendency not be well suited for keeping chickens in general, at least not in the short term.

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