Taking a sitting hens eggs


7 Years
May 6, 2012
Burns, Wyoming
Last year I allowed my peahens to raise the babies they hatched. None of them survived. The chickens hatched out pea babies and those survived. So, I have a peahen sitting 6 eggs. I can't let her hatch them. I want them to live. So how do I go about taking these eggs from her. She's been setting for 2 weeks so far. I plan to finish the eggs in the incubator. I don't want to cause her too much distress but she's a crappy mom so I just can't let her keep them.
I would just run her off the nest...depending on where she is. If you can throw out some tasty treats near her, that would tempt her off? That might be the ticket. If you can't run her off because she's too nasty to deal with, move her off with a shovel or something...gently judging until she leaves. Might be easier to do this with a helper who can gather the eggs up once she leaves. Good luck!
We learn by our experiences, perhaps next year you won't let her set the eggs in the first place although you will have a better hatch rate since she started the setting.

When she gets up to eat just pick up the eggs and put them in the incubator or under a broody chicken. It is a lot easier to remove and set eggs under a broody at night. Don't scare her with that shovel idea, you would most likely have her breaking eggs.
We learn by our experiences, perhaps next year you won't let her set the eggs in the first place although you will have a better hatch rate since she started the setting.

When she gets up to eat just pick up the eggs and put them in the incubator or under a broody chicken. It is a lot easier to remove and set eggs under a broody at night. Don't scare her with that shovel idea, you would most likely have her breaking eggs.

Well I work full time out of the home and she hides. We didn't know where she was laying until I discovered her sitting the nest. I don't think that will change unless I pen them up, they free range.

I haven't caught her getting up yet and I tried tempting her with cat food but she didn't move. She is certainly a good nester, she was last year as well. She just sucks with babies.
Well I work full time out of the home and she hides. We didn't know where she was laying until I discovered her sitting the nest. I don't think that will change unless I pen them up, they free range.

I haven't caught her getting up yet and I tried tempting her with cat food but she didn't move. She is certainly a good nester, she was last year as well. She just sucks with babies.

I never take all of the eggs in a situation like this, it can cause her a lot of distress. What about taking 5 and leaving her 1, she may be a crappy momma with a bunch, but maybe she can handle a single chick. I had a hen like that once. You would get 5 that you could look after and she would have one, so she would get the satisfaction of hatching it and hopefully if it has her undivided attention, it will survive, and she may learn a little in the process. Just a thought.
I never take all of the eggs in a situation like this, it can cause her a lot of distress. What about taking 5 and leaving her 1, she may be a crappy momma with a bunch, but maybe she can handle a single chick. I had a hen like that once. You would get 5 that you could look after and she would have one, so she would get the satisfaction of hatching it and hopefully if it has her undivided attention, it will survive, and she may learn a little in the process. Just a thought.

I can give that a try. Thanks! Though I saw her pecking her own chick once so I'm not convinced she'll rock as a mother. Still, I'll give it a go.

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