Taking eggs from hen


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
South central Virginia
I have silkies, and they are laying like crazy right now.
However, sometimes when I go out in the evening to collect eggs, one or more of them are laying on them. I don't want them hatching eggs, or even getting broody.

I have been having to reach under the hens to take the eggs.
Am I going to mess up my chicken's heads if I do this?
I prefer to just sneak them out while they are playing outside the coop, but lately they are laying on them longer.

They get all confused and stand up to look for their missing eggs.
I feel sort of bad having to do it this way.
Don't feel bad. My girls just know it's their job to feed our family. I politely thank them every morning when I collect the bounty.

I think they understand me anyway...
mine will all sit in the box whether the eggs are there or not. I have one that puffs up and sings some pretty songs, I just crab her and give her some love, and let her down. They lay just fine, but I just like to be queen of the box as long as possible.

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