Taking the roo away from the hens


9 Years
Jun 21, 2010
Northern Indiana
My Isa Browns were born about the last week of February. Since I am still very new to the chicken world, the roo has a habit of pecking on the hens. It has got to a point, that when the hens are resting on the roosts, he pecks whet ever is facing him. This morning I had a egg with blood on it. And I figured he pecked her in the privite.
If I got rid of the roo, would the Isa brown girls be ok? I know I wrote and read about the pros and cons. I just would like to hear if anyone else has done that the reaction from the girls.
Life is too short to put up with bad roosters. If he persists - curtains, dude.

Of course I've only done that to one of the three roos we have owned.
Most likely the blood on the egg is not related. It is natural for hens to sometimes bleed a little bit when laying an egg. You might need to teach him not to peck the girls but he is still young and rooster personalities develop. I had a roo that was not a good juvenile but turned out amazing once he was a little older.
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I'm having the same problem. One of my Banty Cochins is grabbing on just behind the hen's heads and holding on. He is NOT the top rooster. Troubled teens.
They are known to "peek" with raging horomones and then settle down and become more sensable...wow...this is sounding WAY too familiar!

I wouldn't assume that he pecked her "privates"....my girls have sometimes had a little blood on their eggs...some of those eggs can be a feat to BIRTH!!!

My Roo is a gentleman 90% of the time but that's just to make up for the other 10% of the time that he can be RUFF on the girls.

You could always use hen aprons(although I never have) or just wait it out...he'll settle down....none of them can maintain that level of enthusiam!
Oh yeah...have you ever seen those chicken blinders(kinda look like a set of plastic reading glasses for chickens of course)....I think they use them on some game birds and sometimes turkeys for that specific reason...pecking. Just ask around or google it...he may look kinda dignified with some specs!
100% agree with this. He is a teenager and should grow up. Roos are fun to have and can be very protective of their hens. They can and will care for the baby chicks. But, you don't have to have a roo to get eggs. Just give him some time.

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