Talk to me about Toulouse geese


RIP 1952-2022
10 Years
Sep 22, 2009
My slice of heaven in Somerset, CA
I have a large flock of mixed breeds and sizes of chickens, plus some ducks. 7 ducks. I really want to get a Toulouse goose, or gander, but I know they're straight run as goslings.

I'd like to know more about their temperament, too. My Cayugas are pretty quiet ducks. The 3 call ducks appear to be two drakes and a hen, but even she isn't very vocal. Surprising, because my first batch o' four calls had two very vocal hens...

Anyway. If I get one gosling, will it be okay with the ducks as company (and all the chickens of various sizes, ages, colors...) or do I need to get two goslings? And if so, since I can't get them sexed, will two ganders or two geese be fine if the two don't happen to be a pair?

Please proceed some input - thanks!

I find our Toulouse very placid geese that accept most things. However, like any geese ther males can become fiesty in the breeding season. Im rearing a couple with some ducklings at the moment without any problems. If raised as goslings they soon adjust to you, your environment and your other critters.

However, Goslings are very social and need company. For those reasons I recommend that you purchase 2 so they are company for each other
Females would be fine together as would a pair (the absolute ideal). Often bachelor males can be kept together but during the breeding season there may be some bickering. When you select your goslings try to look for a male and female.

Best of luck

Thank you!

Is there a way to sex the goslings easily? The feed store has some just a tad over a week old, and tomorrow they will get new stock of day old gosling (and everything else). What should I look for? Is there a difference in appearance when they're babies?
Hi gryeyes-

I see you are out researching Toulouse.

We got our Toulouse as guard geese (alarm systems) for our farm.
They do a great job letting you know if there is anything unusual prowling around the yards.

The only time we separate our geese from the other poultry is during breeding season.
The geese tend to be ornery to anything (or anybody) who crosses them during this time.

As soon as the eggs hatch, everybody gets along again...

Here are our Toulouse and Sebastopols co-brooding. There are 14 babies being watched by our 5 adults.
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Thank you!

Is there a way to sex the goslings easily? The feed store has some just a tad over a week old, and tomorrow they will get new stock of day old gosling (and everything else). What should I look for? Is there a difference in appearance when they're babies?

Check out this video by Metzer Farms. It shows you how to vent sex them. I find it fairly easy!

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