Tame a Nigerian Dwarf


6 Years
Jun 24, 2013
I recently aquired a 3 month old Nigerian Dwarf. He was very scared of me when I first got him. He now allows me to pet him while he is eatting his grain and will climb all over me when I have treats. Any other time and he won't have anything to do with me. As soon as he knows I am without food he will do everything he can to get away. Its been going on four weeks and it's getting to the point that I want to return him. Looking for some help or guidance. I was thinking of trying to hold him in one spot and pet him all over. (Not by chasing but when he is done with his grain) Not sure if this would make things worse or I should just continue with the treats?

Thanks :)
He needs to learn how to trust you. Have you tried just taking a book into his pen, sitting down, and reading? Ignore him, completely. Let him become comfortable and become adjusted to you. Move slowly and carefully. Let him make the approaches, not you approach him. Combine that with a pocketful of treats (given sparingly to extend out the interaction) and he'll be a lap goat in no time.

I am guessing he was dam raised. Being dam raised doesn't mean they shouldn't be socialized. I let my ND dam raise her kids, and I couldn't keep her kids from mauling me with love whenever I went out to be with them. The one I retained is super people oriented. I hope this doesn't give you a sour opinion of dam raised kids.
Agree with poster above. When I picked up 2 dam raised Nigerian/Boer kids this is what I did. I put them in their house, witch was about 4x6', so they did not have a lot of room to move. I went out there with a book and sat on a bale of straw. Eventually, they would come check me out. Fast forward to now, they are both pretty friendly. The one doe spooks if I stand up or move too quickly, but the other is very friendly and will come right up to check someone out. They will follow me around their pasture to see what I am up to. If I sit down, they will both still come over and check me out.

It just takes a little time. I was out there everyday sitting for a few hours for over a month. Have patience, and your's will come around.
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Thanks for the tips. I have just sat in his pen and let him come to me. At this time when he does come to me I will give him a treat. It has now gotten to the point that he will stand on my lap while getting treats. He will also come to the gate when I go over there. Do you both think that at some point I will just be able to walk right up to him without food? I experimented yesterday by letting him out to see how he would interact in a larger area. I was unable to approach him but he did come when I rattled the grain bin. I would love to get to the point that he would willingly let me pick up his feet and groom him.

This experience is testing my skills for taming animals!
Scratch him, and hand feed.
I had two doelings that were very wild, after a month or so of just sitting in their pen and hand feeding them, they got considerably tamer and now are very calm milkers on the milk stand!

You might want to try (as a treat, don't feed him too much or he'll get poop problems) feeding him a raisin or two occasionally. My goats are crazy about them, and warmed right up to me once I fed them raisins, lol! But please make sure that you don't feed them too much! (which is unfortunately easy to do!) Good luck with him.
Update.... No real change with my goat. I sit every day with him. I can hand feed, give treats, scratch while eatting grain but still unable to pet any other time. It is very strange because he will pretty much climb all over me to get treats. Giving up hope that I will be able to walk up and scratch without food.
it could be also personality. not every animal loves fussing and petting and handling. and why anyone would want a male as a climing in your lap pet is beyond me.

dont let him climb in your lapl. and dont let him pressure u for treats. treats are for after or during petting, not to get hinm to come to u. he is training u. and he is a he. so beware.

just sit every day in his small pen. ignore him. when he approaches, ignore him. dont try to pet or interact until he is really nosey. then pet and let him go. with a small dinky rinky treat. like a piece of carrot. or a grape leaf (better then a raisin).
do this every day, same time. same way,and never never never try to grab and hold him. only after he is really calm and letting u pet him and leave him (before he leaves u, or shows impatience), then u can start to try to hold him a bit. what about haltering him. i halthered one goat (if there is no danger of it hanging up or getting a foot caught inthe halter.), halther him and lead him at food time , to his dinner.
basically training a goat is NOT TAMING, IT IS BEHAVIOR SHAPING JUST LIKE A DOG. goats are like boxers in that respect. they like food, fun and free. a goat has a two year old child's personality.use it. it is not taming a wild animal. but conditioning a domeistic animal who controls you. u have to give him treats to get him to come over. thats bribery. never nver bribe a goat. or a horse. .... check out clicker training methods for goats. there are a lot on the web.
Thanks for the advice. I never thought of that he would be the one training me! I am going to give your tips a try and see how far I get. I know he might not be the cuddle bug that I would want but I should be able to walk up to him and touch without him freaking out.

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