Taming Feral City Chickens

Chicken Gumbo

9 Years
Feb 20, 2010
There are roaming flocks of Old English Game chickens in my New Orleans neighborhood. Is it possible to train them with food and bedding so I can harvest some eggs and enjoy the experience of raising "free range" chickens ?
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It is possible, but probably easier to catch them, at night, and lock them up. Then tame them using lots of patience and treats. Even easier would be to take the eggs or chicks and raise them yourself.

Imp- Assuming you can catch them.

I agree with the last post. But if you want to try it without catching them, I'd focus on offering food & water and provide a few cozy nesting boxes, up high so they feel safe, and put some fake eggs or golf balls in it. a small covered kitty litter box with wood shavings (no cedar) would work well. I am curious to know if you succeed!
Ya, it would probably be easier to find a nest and take some eggs. you could incubate them and raise them. they won't be feral because you hatched them. I watched a Dirty Jobs show one time and it was about catching feral chickens in Miami. It looked very hard since they are so fast. Good luck with whatever you do.

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