taming my fine ladies


10 Years
Apr 25, 2009
bought 4 buffs today, and was wondering if it was possible to tame 18 week old pullets, not like as pets, but to not flip out when im in the cage. know its there 1st day, so is it gitters. by the way they are some pretty ladies
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Buff Orpingtons are easily won over as they will do most anything for food! Every time you go to see them take a little treat and soon they will come running whenever you appear.

Mine are free ranging but as soon as they hear the back door open they come running and try and muscle their way into the kitchen for treats. bbq days in the garden are a scream as they beg for food from visitors, and on rainy days they sit looking hopefuly through the glass door ino the kitchen just in case someone comes and lets them in .

Soon everyone will think your chickens adore you and you are some sort of chicken whisperer, but you will know the truth, they LOVE food
Chickens go bonkers for anything that's high protein (meats) or high fat (cheeses). Give them a fes tidbits of the cheese rind or ham and you'll have 4 buff shadows before you know it.
Just sit out there in a lawn chair reading a book for an hour or more per day. Ignore the chickens. Do not try to touch them. If you want, you can accelerate the process by scattering some scratch or crumbles/pellets around your feet, although I warn you this can lead to chickens that think your feet are a food dispenser

Just give them time, they'll get used to you

Good luck, have fun,

i gues the answer was easy. all my others raised from chicks, so they know daddy...
never knew slmost grown was able to tame
I agree with the other posts.
TREATS......... Be consistent. Sit with them while you are giving them treats. I would put a piece of bread (one of my birds favorite treats) in one hand and let them come up and peck at it. Eventually I would feed them with one hand and touch them with my free hand. I was consistent and repetitious. Chickens are creatures of habit. I made it a ritual. After awhile after you have gained their confidence, cut back slowly. They will follow you anywhere.
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