Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!

I just realized I missed an entire page of the thread. Hello, flyingdoughnuts!
Hope you're feeling better by now.

My parents let us express ourselves. We had rules to follow, but could be kids. The thing is I feel like I never really grew up, so I am silly around the house. I always tell my kids: would you really like to have a "normal" mom? Often times they say "no", and giggle. But outside the house, I do have to behave...

poult, I often find myself turning the subject to animals. Birds are my favorite, too!
I just realized I missed an entire page of the thread. Hello, flyingdoughnuts! :frow Hope you're feeling better by now.

My parents let us express ourselves. We had rules to follow, but could be kids. The thing is I feel like I never really grew up, so I am silly around the house. I always tell my kids: would you really like to have a "normal" mom? Often times they say "no", and giggle. But outside the house, I do have to behave...

poult, I often find myself turning the subject to animals. Birds are my favorite, too!

IKR! Birds are such wonderful creatures!
I just realized I missed an entire page of the thread. Hello, flyingdoughnuts!
Hope you're feeling better by now.

My parents let us express ourselves. We had rules to follow, but could be kids. The thing is I feel like I never really grew up, so I am silly around the house. I always tell my kids: would you really like to have a "normal" mom? Often times they say "no", and giggle. But outside the house, I do have to behave...

poult, I often find myself turning the subject to animals. Birds are my favorite, too!
i am
I just realized I missed an entire page of the thread. Hello, flyingdoughnuts!
Hope you're feeling better by now.

My parents let us express ourselves. We had rules to follow, but could be kids. The thing is I feel like I never really grew up, so I am silly around the house. I always tell my kids: would you really like to have a "normal" mom? Often times they say "no", and giggle. But outside the house, I do have to behave...

poult, I often find myself turning the subject to animals. Birds are my favorite, too!

My hope is that God has healed me enough to create a much healthier environment for my children than what I had and that that will translate into them being able to create a truly healthy environment for their children to grow up in. I think that a truly healthy environment is too much to hope for in one generation, especially after so many generations of the other.
I behave in public too, but my kids appreciate having a fun mom instead of a "normal" mom too. =)

Drinking my Chocolate Mint Tea from Target (pronounced tar-jhay).

It's yummy!
We seem to have a lot in common.
Children need to be respected as people. They need to understand that they are valuable. The words we utter matter.

If they trust us not to belittle them, then they will trust us when they need our help. If we listen to them when they need to be heard (It does not matter what they need to talk about, we had a lot of deep discussions about transformers ) then they will come to use with things we need to hear.

They are people.
Not possessions, not chattel, not slave labor, and they should never ever be cursed at.
Be the person you want your child to grow up to be.
We seem to have a lot in common.
Children need to be respected as people. They need to understand that they are valuable. The words we utter matter.

If they trust us not to belittle them, then they will trust us when they need our help. If we listen to them when they need to be heard (It does not matter what they need to talk about, we had a lot of deep discussions about transformers ) then they will come to use with things we need to hear.

They are people.
Not possessions, not chattel, not slave labor, and they should never ever be cursed at.
Be the person you want your child to grow up to be.

Yeah, I agree.
I've had very open communication with each of my kids. When they talk to me seriously, I take what they say seriously (no matter what it's about and sometimes it's been really hard to keep a straight face too); when I talk to them seriously, they take me seriously.
Yeah, I hated feeling belittled when I was a kid. My g-ma always listened to me and I felt like I could talk to her about anything at all and it was totally safe and she would help me sort out my feelings and give me good advice.
I also hated doing a whole bunch of chores and my dad just went to work and came home.
I definitely agree about the cursing; funny thing is that I don't remember my dad ever cussing at me, just my brother. Weird; maybe he never did, I just don't remember.
I like that, "Be the person you want your child to grow up to be." You should post that somewhere; that's a saying that definitely should go viral!!!!!
We seem to have a lot in common.
Children need to be respected as people. They need to understand that they are valuable. The words we utter matter.

If they trust us not to belittle them, then they will trust us when they need our help. If we listen to them when they need to be heard (It does not matter what they need to talk about, we had a lot of deep discussions about transformers ) then they will come to use with things we need to hear.

They are people.
Not possessions, not chattel, not slave labor, and they should never ever be cursed at.
Be the person you want your child to grow up to be.

I wholeheartedly agree! We all seem to be striving to raise decent human beings. That's what society needs. I just want my kids to have a good heart, be happy and well adjusted.
They already like tea!

Tea, I also appreciate Tar-jhay's tea and haute couture
I wholeheartedly agree! We all seem to be striving to raise decent human beings. That's what society needs. I just want my kids to have a good heart, be happy and well adjusted.
They already like tea!

Tea, I also appreciate Tar-jhay's tea and haute couture

Yes. =)

And yes. Mmm.
I like Mosimo; it's not what it used to be when Target first started carrying it, but it's still better than what I see at Wal-Mart.
Not related to tea, but I am having a bit of a situation with my cockerel. He is 8 months old and displaying aggressive behavior for a month now. Because he is very short and cute (he's a bantam mix), I have been treating the aggression as a normal hormonal change that all teenagers go through. I deal with him in a way that doesn't trigger aggression and treat him with indifference. If he attacks me, I pick him up and carry him around while doing chicken chores. That is enough for him to stop the aggression for the whole day. I am not aggressive or forceful with him, just matter of fact. DH isn't liking the situation, as he doesn't pick chickens up and has to put a snow shovel in front of him for the roo to stop the attacks. To make matters more complicated for him, the hens don't like him and don't let him near them. He has one brooder buddy (a pullet ) and they are always together, but she doesn't seem to seek his company now as much as he does. He sleeps with her in a dog crate and pecks at her in the morning before they are let out. That's the time he is most angry. I told DH to wait till the weather is warmer and the little guy can go out to forage. Winter is boring for chickens and they might display aggression issues. But that was until yesterday, when DD went inside the run to visit the chickens. The cockerel jumped to her arm when I turned my back. That I didn't like one bit. She wasn't hurt only because she had her winter coat on. Now I am facing with a tough choice to make. Should give him away to a friend that will make nice chicken stew out of him or keep the little guy locked up in a pen? I don't want anybody to get hurt and it looks like his behavior will not improve. I don't want to rehome an aggressive rooster either. It's not fair for the new owners to have to deal with this behavior. But I also believe he has the right to live his life without having to be killed for his behavior, since he wasn't raised for consumption. Decisions, decisions...

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