Teach me about Feed please!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 23, 2009
I am knew to this chicken thing and would love to learn everything about it especially their nutrition. I have two Bantams, one rooster and one hen that are about 5 months. What should I be feeding them? I usually go to Tractor Supply to get their stuff.
Go to Tractor Supply and look on the back of a chicken feed bag. It should say what to give them. I believe they would need Grower/Starter but check the bag.

As for treats and table scraps there is a chart here that lists what is safe to feed.
Nightingale, I'm fairly new to this too and have just spent about 2 hours searching this forum for feed recommendations. One thing I have seen is a dislike for Dumore Feeds (Tractor Supply's store brand) It looks like, as far as commercially prepared feed, that Purina Mills Flock Raiser gets the vote for all round feed. There are a few posts that tell you how to mix your own if you're into that kind of commitment. You also need to supplement oyster shell and sometimes grit depending on your situation. (cooped,Free ranged,feeding pellets etc)
Personally I feed Nutrena Layer Pellets, throw them some scratch now and then, and feed them BSF larvae for extra protein.
I always get my feed at Tractor Supply. I think Purina makes Dumor for them. I have never had a problem with it. I think it is fine.

I agree if you look on the backs of the feed sacks it says what to feed by age. Also the rooster can eat what ever you feed the girls.

I think sometimes we worry to much about what to feed. My DH says they are just chickens. My son does not feed his hardly any feed they mainly free range and get a little corn in the winter..
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Nightingale, Do a search in this forum for Dumore Feed and you'll see why I made that statement.
I use Kent chick go medicated for the chicks and I use our local feed stores mix and Kent Flock raiser for our chickens.
The TSC by us does sell Kent food too but the feed store Hachmans is 1 mile away so I go there.

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