TeaChick's Chicks

Not yet. I haven't been letting her collect her clutch. She's been making sure I know that she's unhappy with me and she wants me to stop stealing her eggs. Well, I'm not sure whether she knows it's me or not, but she is certainly wise to the fact that she should have more than one or two eggs at this point.
Hopefully, soon!!!
I just got a BYC Friend award!!! =D
If that's something ppl voted for me to get, then Thank you!!!!

I'm leaving Snoodle alone with her eggs. She put the Comet egg and one of her eggs, both of which I put in there for her, on the bricks in front of her bucket. So, I collected them and left the two she kept in the back of the bucket, which was the oldest one out there (that's been out there the whole time) and the one she laid yesterday.

I've put the Cochin chicks in the back pen a few times, but DH thinks they're not very safe from predators back there. He thinks they'd be better off in the juvenile pen, but I don't think they'd be safe from the big chicks in there (b/c that's the big chicks' space), but he said that the big chicks go in the main coop and the big chickens don't mess with them, so they shouldn't mess with the Cochin chicks in their "coop".
If anyone has any information, experience or advice, I'd be glad to hear it!!!

I'll candle the two eggs of Snoodle's that I have in the incubator tonight. We'll see how that goes. =)

How's everyone else doing????
Here are some more pics, just for fun:

These are just some eggs in the top level of the nesting box. I've got to get more nesting material in there.

This is the lower level. I don't know why there's sometimes an egg off to the side like that???? Maybe, someone laid while someone else was in the nest. IDK.

This is Snoodle's nesting bucket.

These are my "big chicks" pretending to be grown up on the roosts in the main coop. lol

This is Georgette. She's 1/4 GLW and 3/4 WL. Yep, she hatched out of a white egg. She was mahogany at hatch with chipmunk stripes and she's feathering out in GLW colors, but not the pattern. She's beautiful, IMO!!!

This is Snoodle on a very rainy day. Poor thing.

This is a wren's nest we found in an old heater a few years ago. Baby birds are so cute!!! Apparently, momma was looking for food; they sounded hungry.
So, I don't really have much of an update, but I'll put something up here...

I've been getting six eggs a day until yesterday, when two of my three Comets took the day off.
Snoodle's laying right along. I took her egg from the 19th (of March) yesterday afternoon. But I'm leaving her alone from now on in hopes she'll go broody.

There was some kind of broohaha in my coop yesterday afternoon. Nesting material strewn everywhere, eggs outside of nesting boxes, one was cracked and leaking, another had a tiny crack in it, and two others were under the nesting material. I guess I won't let Chocolate build up a clutch after all. I wish I could find some brown egg replacements to put in the bottom nest box for her, so that she has something to sit on if she decides to sit. We'll see. I guess that was news, although I don't think it can be called an update per say.

Candle the two Snoodle eggs I have in the incubator on Sunday night. Meanwhile, I'm going to locate a good piece of cardboard to put between the light bulb and the eggs. My super fancy heat diffuser is better than the bare bulb, but there are still quick temperature fluctuations that I want to eliminate. I'll put foil (shiny side out) on the light bulb side of the cardboard.

I'm trying to figure out whether I need to completely re-design the cooler-bator when this hatch is over. I might use the welded wire in the bottom to make a basket or to create a better partition between the eggs/chicks and the light bulb. We'll see how this hatch goes.

If it goes well, if either egg hatches and I don't kill another chick in the shell, then I'll just use the cooler-bator as it is with the cardboard partition. If either chick dies in the shell, then I'll have to take out the welded wire, make the partition go all the way from top to bottom, and rework the welded wire into a basket/partition-holding thing. We'll see.

There was a snake in my coop yesterday afternoon!!! I think it was the cause of the brouhaha in there the other day.
It had its mouth halfway around one of my Leghorn eggs!!! We killed it, so no more free eggs there, but IDK how many more there are out there (well, I know there are lots, but IDK how many of them think they can get free eggs from my coop). Anyway, I"ll be going in the coop a lot more often from now on!!!
This isn't a pic of the snake; it's an image from online of one that looks like it:

Snoodle turned up bald yesterday morning, so I put her in the brooder. She was bored, so I put some scratch grains in there. She liked that. She laid, so I know it's not stressing her out.
Here are some pics of her bald head:

I had moved the Cochin chicks to the juvenile pen with the big chicks night before last. They're learning their places at the bottom of the pecking order, but they're doing well and nobody's really messing with them much.
Here's a picture of them playing in there:

This is one of my favorite wildflowers:
IDK what it is; if anyone else does, please let me know. =)

This is Georgette. I think she's so beautiful!!! She seems to have gotten all the Wyandotte from Eddie's being half GLW, even though she hatched out of a Leghorn egg. lol
Oh, and she has white earlobes; a white egg laying GLW. I guess we'll see. =)
There was a snake in my coop yesterday afternoon!!! I think it was the cause of the brouhaha in there the other day.
It had its mouth halfway around one of my Leghorn eggs!!! We killed it, so no more free eggs there, but IDK how many more there are out there (well, I know there are lots, but IDK how many of them think they can get free eggs from my coop). Anyway, I"ll be going in the coop a lot more often from now on!!!
This isn't a pic of the snake; it's an image from online of one that looks like it:

Snoodle turned up bald yesterday morning, so I put her in the brooder. She was bored, so I put some scratch grains in there. She liked that. She laid, so I know it's not stressing her out.
Here are some pics of her bald head:

I had moved the Cochin chicks to the juvenile pen with the big chicks night before last. They're learning their places at the bottom of the pecking order, but they're doing well and nobody's really messing with them much.
Here's a picture of them playing in there:

This is one of my favorite wildflowers:
IDK what it is; if anyone else does, please let me know. =)

This is Georgette. I think she's so beautiful!!! She seems to have gotten all the Wyandotte from Eddie's being half GLW, even though she hatched out of a Leghorn egg. lol
Oh, and she has white earlobes; a white egg laying GLW. I guess we'll see. =)
Well glad you killed that snake.My chickens are kinda starting to have bald parts in their head. I think mine are just getting pecked.

Oh she is pretty! lol
Well glad you killed that snake.My chickens are kinda starting to have bald parts in their head. I think mine are just getting pecked.

Oh she is pretty! lol

Oh, I'm sorry yours are getting pecked too!!!
Poor Chocolate is getting chased around by both roosters; I'd send one to you if I could.

Thanks; she's my favorite out of that batch (the batch my friend hatched for me). =)
Oh, I'm sorry yours are getting pecked too!!!
Poor Chocolate is getting chased around by both roosters; I'd send one to you if I could.

Thanks; she's my favorite out of that batch (the batch my friend hatched for me). =)
Thanks! Hopefully Snoodle isn't like my one chicken. She got pecked really bad in the begining of her life and her head feathers never came back. They finally did though after 3 years. There was a like a thread about it all.
Oh :/ I couldn't take one anyways.

Oh okay :)

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