TeaChick's Chicks

I went to my DH and here's the conversation:

Me: Sweetheart, I need your help. If I talk to the ppl on BYC about this, they'll just encourage me; they are hatching enablers on there. I need you to talk me out of doing a test hatch b/c I want to check out the modifications I've made on the incubator.

Him: Just do it.


Him: Just do it. You need a certain amount of stress in your life, and it's better if you have it doing something you enjoy, so just set the egg so you have something to fret over. (he said this half jokingly, he's so sweet)

Me: Okay
(I just walked out of the room shaking my head.......and went to tell the children that their father had failed me.) I was kidding and they knew it, but it was funny. =)

So, I set three eggs. One I know is Chocolates b/c she laid it this morning and it was the only egg in there, and one I "know" is Caramel's (which is the egg that Little Red hatched out of, the only chick to survive my hatching thus far), and the other one, I think is from Chocolate as well, but I'm not sure (it's about the same color as the one that she laid this morning).
Here are the pics:
Sorry about the reflection. See the foil? I lined the partition with it b/c when I had it on to dry it out and there was a smell from the shiny coating on the cardboard, so I covered it with aluminum foil to avoid that during incubation.

These are the eggs. The one at the top left is the one that Caramel laid yesterday. The one on the top right is Chocolate's from yesterday (can't be absolutely positive, so I didn't write her name on it). The one on the bottom is Chocolate's from today, so I wrote her name on it. See the duct tape holding up the partition?

This is just the piece of paper that I mark turning on; L and R. Like the Christmas tree sticker I use to "tape" it to the wall above the incubator.

So, we're looking at candling on the 16th, 23rd, and 27th, and hatching on the 30th. Here's hoping that my modifications are at least adequate.
Snakes. They are trouble. Luckily we only have little Gardener snakes that it bugs and frogs and stuff.

Georgette is beautiful!
Snakes. They are trouble. Luckily we only have little Gardener snakes that it bugs and frogs and stuff.

Georgette is beautiful!

Yup! We get rid of them when we get the chance. I don't like to kill non-venomous ones usually, but now that I have chickens (and the mental image of half an egg hanging out of the mouth of a snake with a what? am I doing something wrong? look on its face.... let's just say rat snakes of the world be ware!!!

We have copperheads (cotton mouths, and mocasins <sp>; I think those three are the same species), rattle snakes, garter snakes (the "red on yellow can kill a fellow" ones) and king scarlets (the "red on black won't hurt Jack" ones), three colors of rat snakes: red (corn snakes), yellow (chicken snakes), and gray (oak snakes), and pine snakes (they look like brown rat snakes and a bit like rattle snakes), and grass snakes and glass snakes and a bunch of other kinds.
We have copperheads (cotton mouths, and mocasins <sp>; I think those three are the same species), rattle snakes, garter snakes (the "red on yellow can kill a fellow" ones) and king scarlets (the "red on black won't hurt Jack" ones), three colors of rat snakes: red (corn snakes), yellow (chicken snakes), and gray (oak snakes), and pine snakes (they look like brown rat snakes and a bit like rattle snakes), and grass snakes and glass snakes and a bunch of other kinds.
That's a lot of different types!
Still... most of them can eat eggs right?

IDK. I guess all of them can; I think they all have hinged jaws b/c they eat things that are technically larger than they are (rats, etc). It seems that it takes long enough for a snake to eat an egg that, as long as I go into the coop frequently, I should be able to catch it in the act.

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