TeaChick's Chicks


I lost one of my white Cochin chicks day before yesterday.

Everyone else is doing well.

I've been having to put the big chickens in the coop at night the past...*thinking*...almost a week now. I was too tired to do it last night, and Eddie reminded me at 4am why I should have.

Snoodle's brooding; she's two weeks in, so I'm expecting something to start happening sometime next week. I gave a friend of mine some of her eggs to hatch; she said none of them did. IDK why yet, but I'll be seeing her on Saturday, so I'll find out then if I haven't before then.
I have three Comet eggs in the incubator that are due to hatch next Wednesday. The incubator will already be going when she's done, so I can put any unhatched eggs in the incubator and/or I can put the chicks under her if hers don't hatch.

The chicks are doing well too.
I have the other three white Cochin chicks in a hoop pen for now; I might move them to the back pen in the afternoon, when the kids are outside.
One of DS's chicks thinks she's part of the big flock; she acts like she's one of the big girls and tries to go into the big coop with my laying hens. Too cute!
It looks like my big chicks are 4 pullets and one that might be a pullet and the rest are obviously cockerels (5-7: all of them are white and they move around a lot, so it's hard to count them).

The pullets are:
Gold-Laced Wyandotte brown with black--Georgette
Red splash from Caramel's egg (my only hatchling)--Little Red
white pullet with brown splashes
white pullet with black splashes
white pullet with a very small blue splash at the base of her tail (this is the one I'm not sure of)

It looks like at least two of the Bantam Cochin chicks are pullets; one black and one barred. For all I know, the rest might be cockerels; we'll see.

I hope everyone is doing well!!! Take care of yourselves and each other!!!
By way of an update on me, I've been having a lot of severe abdominal pain for the past couple of weeks. DH did some research online and discovered that I probably have IBS. I'm feeling better the past few days.
I had the IBS symptoms under control, but then I had the worst headache I've ever had (and I've had migraine) last night.
DH dragged me (I wasn't up to the kicking and screaming part, but I did protest) to the ER. They treated me for the IBS symptoms and totally neglected the headache. I found out I had a bladder infection (which apparently wasn't bothering me at all, or I didn't notice considering everything else that's been going on). At any rate, I still have the headache. 800mg of ibuprofen helped some last night, but it's coming back now and the ibuprofen did nothing for the balance problem, dizziness, shaking, feeling like I'm going to pass out, which I told the nurse in the ER last night, but I guess those are considered secondary symptoms to the ones I had already taken care of before I got there. At least I got antibiotics (which I don't want to take, but DH is "making" me) to help get rid of the bladder infection, which (as I said) isn't even bothering me (which leads me to believe that my body is taking care of it on its own), but DH and the dr.s know better than me, so I listen (and complain) and comply.
Thank you for the advice. =) and
I candled the three Comet eggs I have in the incubator last night.
The first one, the one Chocolate laid on the 8th, was so full I couldn't see movement or anything! (hopefully, that's b/c the chick is so big)
The second one, the one Caramel laid on the 7th (Caramel lays pink eggs), there were strong veins and vigorous movement! =D
The third one, the one Chocolate laid on the 7th, also showed strong veins and vigorous movement!!! =)
So I locked them down. Looking forward to Wednesday!!!

Snoodle's hanging in there. Her eggs should start hatching sometime this week. I candled one the other day; it was a clear. The next day, I found the empty shell in front of her in the brooder. And she gave me a dirty look when I went to check on her. =(

Everyone else is doing well.

Thanks to everyone for the well wishing. I'm feeling better and gaining my strength back a little bit every day. Everyone take care of yourselves and each other!!!

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