TeaChick's Chicks

I'm back. =)

It looks like my broody hen has cocci. =(
I have some Corid to treat her. Hope with me that she makes it!!!
I'm just praying for God's Will; we'll see what that is.
Otherwise, everything else is good.
I'm going to be building pens soon. So, I'm going to write down a list of all my hens and pullets and decide which rooster I want to put each of them with. =) If anyone wants to help, I can post the lists here and everyone can give me their opinions. =D
THE CHICKS ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I got up this morning, there was one external pip, so I put some water in the incubator. By about 9, the other two had pipped. The first one zipped and hatched about 9:30. Then about 1:30 this afternoon, the other two zipped and pipped within a few minutes of each other.

The first one is yellow, the second one is brown, and the third one is black.
Guess what? I've got a pics!!!


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