TeaChick's Chicks

We've got 3 for sure today, maybe 4!


Pics when you get a chance (or if you can tell me where they are, if you've posted any). =)
I'm down to two LF white Cochin chicks.
The attrition rate is saddening. =(
Hopefully, I'll be able to do better once I have pens...I hope.
School work is going well. =)
I cleaned the coop, juvie pen, and brooder with vinegar and spread extra pine shavings with mint leaves in each of them.

The Bantams can't get out of the brooder, but they're scratching around in there. DH was at the kitchen sink and said that all he could see was pine shavings flying everywhere in there.

The big chicks (and probably the adult chickens too
) went into the juvie pen and scratched around all over in there, stirring the mint into the pine shavings very well for us!!!

The chickens (and probably the big chicks as well
) went into the coop and stirred up the pine shavings and mint leaves in there for us.

My youngest (my "chick helper") and I are hoping that the big chickens start sleeping in the coop, now that we've gotten it cleaned out and fixed up for them.
He's been helping me with predator proofing it by "marking it".

My school work is going well. I'm trying to do two weeks worth of work in a row in each course, b/c in English (Am. Lit.) I have a test every even week. If I do all the reading for both weeks straight through, then the information is fresher in my mind for the test and I can just take the test and then do the other assignment for each week. I am trying to get ahead a little bit, but this isn't a method for working ahead, it's just scheduling my school work so that it works best for me logistically.

Well, let me know how all of you are doing, okay?
Take care of yourselves and each other!! =)

Just had to cull our beautiful Juanita....she was the Silver Laced Wyandotte that never layed an egg but she was our buddy and Oprah's running mate especially when Tina was broody. Found her face down in the coop when I got home and she couldn't hold her head up. I was kinda expecting her to not have a long life....

RIP Juanita...

Just had to cull our beautiful Juanita....she was the Silver Laced Wyandotte that never layed an egg but she was our buddy and Oprah's running mate especially when Tina was broody. Found her face down in the coop when I got home and she couldn't hold her head up. I was kinda expecting her to not have a long life....

RIP Juanita...

So sorry!!!

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