TeaChick's Chicks

I posted this elsewhere; I know we're not really supposed to do that, but I NEED help. I originally posted this in the diseases and injuries forum, but got no answers, so after a few hours, I posted it in the coffee thread. Now, I've posted it here for two purposes, as an update to those who read (and an entry into my flock journal) and just in case someone sees it and knows what to do.

Also, in the absence of other advice, I will just do the best I can with super glue, b/c that's all I know to do.

Copied and pasted this from a sticky thread:

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) chicken; 7 weeks; normal weight
2) What is the behavior, exactly. They were acting scared and alone (making the "homing" call) in their coop.
3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? Since this morning (not when the coop was opened about an hour after sunrise, but a little while after that).
4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? No, just the two chicks.
5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. no bleeding, yes injuries, no broken bones: each chick has had the skin at the back of her neck pecked open, one has a very small break in the skin and the feathers/fluff of her neck cover up the opening, the other has exposed muscle about the size of a nickle and there is a small peck mark where the muscle tissue looks broken smaller than a pea.
6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation. Saw a cockerel (17 weeks old) pecking at something in the corner of the coop where the chicks have been living with some adult birds, but not his own coop; thought it was feed, but apparently it was these two young pullets.
7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all. They seem to be eating and drinking normally. They have been allowed to free range and forage, they have access to medicated chick crumbles and fresh clean water in several locations around the yard.
8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. N/A
9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far? Currently, I have them in a brooder in the living room; they have medicated chick crumbles and tetracyclene (sp) water.
ETA: Also, I wanted to add that right when I found them, I put clean water on the wounds to clean them a little (again, I didn't want to cause more damage) and I applied a coconut ointment w/ lavender, lilac, burgamot, and ylang ylang in it (the lavender and burgamot have cleansing properties and the coconut oil is soothing and healing to the skin, and I thought it would help moisturize the muscle while the skin is healing up.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? My intention is to do what I can to save these girls. I have tried butterfly bandages (not enough bare skin to stick them to) and VetWrap (the one with the worse wound tried to back out of it, so I took that off). I was going to try to use super glue, but the tube I have is dried out and I can't get a new tube until next week.
11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help. I'll upload pics ASAP, but I needed to get this posted in the meantime.
12) Describe the housing/bedding in use They're in a plastic tote brooder in the house with pine shavings with a little DE mixed in and I have a heat lamp set up so they aren't stressed from being too cool. I'll post pics of my setup too.

Any and all help, advice, etc. would be greatly appreciated. =)

ETA: Pics as promised.
This is my setup. Lamp in the top left, water in the top right, feeder to the bottom, pine shavings with DE, and the two chicks.

Here's the first one. The dark spot in the middle there is dried blood. Tried to clean that off some, but didn't want to cause more damage.

This is the second one; the rest of the pics are of her, b/c she has much worse damage to her skin.
You can see the skin at the front of her neck is a little slack b/c of the gaping hole in it at the back of her neck.
Also, sorry about the ultra-bright lines, those are the wire of the top of the brooder.

This is a good picture of the one small peck mark in her neck muscle. It's not deep, the tissue was just torn a little and a little bit of blood came ot the surface. It doesn't look like that bled badly at all.

This is a good pic of the size of the hole compared to the rest of her; it's about the size of a nickel. You can see the feather/fluff matted with dried blood all around it.

Also, I wanted to add that right when I found them, I put clean water on the wounds to clean them a little (again, I didn't want to cause more damage) and I applied a coconut ointment w/ lavender, lilac, burgamot, and ylang ylang in it (the lavender and burgamot have cleansing properties and the coconut oil is soothing and healing to the skin, and I thought it would help moisturize the muscle while the skin is healing up.
I'll add this into the Q&A section above as well.
Gosh I have no idea! I'm sorry! Would love to help but I'm a chicken newbie and I don't know what to do. Super glue sounds good. I have treated older birds with exposed muscle with blukote with great results...
Gosh I have no idea! I'm sorry! Would love to help but I'm a chicken newbie and I don't know what to do. Super glue sounds good. I have treated older birds with exposed muscle with blukote with great results...
I'll get some of that when we go into town. Thanks!!!!!
Yours is the only answer I've gotten. Your so sweet! :)
I'll get some of that when we go into town. Thanks!!!!!
Yours is the only answer I've gotten. Your so sweet! :)

I'm sorry I'm not much help! I also gave them corid in the water so the stress of his injury didn't bring on a cocci outbreak....
You're one of the most important tips of help, moral support! :hugs

Btw, how are you doing?

Doing well... carpal tunnel is horrible. Doctor assures me it will get better after the baby is born. Can't wait for May! I'm done being preggers lol I can't do any house work and poor mister is running around like a... chicken with its head cut off... trying to keep up with his full time job and house work and the farm. Poor fella!
Doing well... carpal tunnel is horrible. Doctor assures me it will get better after the baby is born. Can't wait for May! I'm done being preggers lol I can't do any house work and poor mister is running around like a... chicken with its head cut off... trying to keep up with his full time job and house work and the farm. Poor fella!

We didn't have chickens when we had our first. I did everything that got done until my last two weeks with my third. Then he came home from work and did all the laundry and cooking and dishes. He didn't clean the bathrooms; I don't think he vacuumed or did any floors.

Yeah, any inflammation will get better after you deliver. My sinuses were horrible!!!!! for all my pregnancies. But it does all improve after delivery (you won't notice b/c all your attention will be focused on the baby, but it will get better).
We didn't have chickens when we had our first.  I did everything that got done until my last two weeks with my third.  Then he came home from work and did all the laundry and cooking and dishes.  He didn't clean the bathrooms; I don't think he vacuumed or did any floors.

Yeah, any inflammation will get better after you deliver.  My sinuses were horrible!!!!! for all my pregnancies.  But it does all improve after delivery (you won't notice b/c all your attention will be focused on the baby, but it will get better). ;)

Yeah he's a better house keeper than I am so he goes above and beyond. He's OCD lol I'm just like 'meh it looks better than it was' lol he's missing my elaborate dinners lol I've been making simple and quick meals or even frozen pizza lol this weekend was dedicated to cleaning up the barn, brush hogging the 12 acres of forest(yay new 4 wheeler trails!) Getting caught up on house work etc. These new leghorn chicks are running all over. They fly and roost and have no regard for their enormous baby pen. I hope they give lots of eggs because I am not impressed lol
Yeah he's a better house keeper than I am so he goes above and beyond. He's OCD lol I'm just like 'meh it looks better than it was' lol he's missing my elaborate dinners lol I've been making simple and quick meals or even frozen pizza lol this weekend was dedicated to cleaning up the barn, brush hogging the 12 acres of forest(yay new 4 wheeler trails!) Getting caught up on house work etc. These new leghorn chicks are running all over. They fly and roost and have no regard for their enormous baby pen. I hope they give lots of eggs because I am not impressed lol

My DH is more anal about how the house looks than I am. I'm like what? It looks like we live here. He's like, Exactly.
Yeah, we ate a lot of that kind of stuff too, when I was pregnant and when the kids were little some too.

They will lay you lots of eggs. Give them time. How old are they? I think they should start laying around 20-24 weeks or something like that, especially if that falls in the summer. If that falls in the autumn or winter, then you might have to wait until next spring.
I wasn't impressed with them either. I don't have anymore and I don't plan on getting anymore either.
My DH is more anal about how the house looks than I am.  I'm like what?  It looks like we live here.  He's like, Exactly.
Yeah, we ate a lot of that kind of stuff too, when I was pregnant and when the kids were little some too.

They will lay you lots of eggs.  Give them time.  How old are they?  I think they should start laying around 20-24 weeks or something like that, especially if that falls in the summer.  If that falls in the autumn or winter, then you might have to wait until next spring. :oops:   I wasn't impressed with them either.  I don't have anymore and I don't plan on getting anymore either.

Yeah I think home should be comfy and homey not uncomfortably clean lol as long as it's pretty much uncluttered I'm good. These were supposed to be cornish that we were going to eat lol but they never really grew and got those crazy tails and never calmed down. They're like tiny little full grown chickens. Roosting, flying, climbing 5 foot fences and free ranging lol. A far cry from my fat lazy orpingtons lol here's hoping they actually lay in the nest boxes and not all over the property or they will be soup lol

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