TeaChick's Chicks

Yeah I think home should be comfy and homey not uncomfortably clean lol as long as it's pretty much uncluttered I'm good. These were supposed to be cornish that we were going to eat lol but they never really grew and got those crazy tails and never calmed down. They're like tiny little full grown chickens. Roosting, flying, climbing 5 foot fences and free ranging lol. A far cry from my fat lazy orpingtons lol here's hoping they actually lay in the nest boxes and not all over the property or they will be soup lol

I don't want to scare you, but you might have bantam leghorns there...
How old are they?
The chicks are healing up nicely! I don't have time to take pics right now, but I will as soon as I can. I know some were a bit worried about them, so I wanted to give an update. =)
Thanks to all the well-wishers (here and on other threads) and especially to those who offered advice and experience!!!!!

I don't want to scare you, but you might have bantam leghorns there...
How old are they?

Tractor supply said they were over a week. I've had them two weeks. So about a month old... they're getting free choice food but they run run run it all off lol I might have to buy them a tractor or build a coop with a roof over the run lol.
[COLOR=008080]The chicks are healing up nicely!  I don't have time to take pics right now, but I will as soon as I can.  I know some were a bit worried about them, so I wanted to give an update. =)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008080]Thanks to all the well-wishers (here and on other threads) and especially to those who offered advice and experience!!!!![/COLOR]

So glad they're recovering!!!!
Tractor supply said they were over a week. I've had them two weeks. So about a month old... they're getting free choice food but they run run run it all off lol I might have to buy them a tractor or build a coop with a roof over the run lol.

They free range alright. The egg production to feed intake ratio is really high!!!
(I mean lots of eggs for a lot less feed)

So glad they're recovering!!!!

Thank you!
We lost one of the red layer pullets and the packing peanut, I had named her Maya. =(

Some of my NH girls are practicing or pretending to be broody. We'll see if they get serious about it.
I don't swear by it or anything, but the Farmer's Almanac doesn't show anymore "good days to set eggs" for the rest of April. Who knows?

I've lost one or two red layer pullets, since the last update. I think she got trampled one morning. There was no other good explanation for her to be dead.

The chicks that were injured are back out with the others. I lost one in the middle of the day to IDK what last week.

DD has been working hard on the garden and helping me out (read doing everything except for placing decoy eggs on the back porch and opening coops in the mornings) taking care of the chickens for the past several weeks. We've been talking, and she's keeping me in the loop about what's going on with the eggs. She's been leaving eggs and it was looking yesterday like one of the girls was going to start going broody, but today, someone had pushed all the feathers out of the nest. I sure do hope that somebody goes broody before next year when the Cochin pullets start laying.

Georgette, my OE, hasn't been feeling well lately. Last month, I thought she was molting, but now I'm not sure what's going on with her. One of my hatchlings (Pinkie) got injured, so I put Georgette and Pinkie in a small hoop pen so they're protected and have exclusive access to medicated feed and water. I'm going to have to get DD to divide the brooder again. I've got a cockerel in it but I need to put at least Pinkie, if not Georgette too, in it.

The cockerel in the brooder is one of the chicks I hatched out so that Golden Nugget would have chicks her own age, b/c she was a single hatchling. Well, he's 21 weeks old. I'm kind of waiting for him to start crowing. I haven't had time to process him thus far anyway.
Wow! sounds like a lot has been going on lately! I hope you don't have any losses from here on out! Hope you get a broody. I'm waiting on my girls to stay laying. They are acting like they want to raise my chicks but aren't laying yet.
Hey! Sounds like you've had a lot of problems with predators and deaths in general. Hope all goes well for you!

How many birds do you have now?
Wow! sounds like a lot has been going on lately! I hope you don't have any losses from here on out! Hope you get a broody. I'm waiting on my girls to stay laying. They are acting like they want to raise my chicks but aren't laying yet.

Yeah, it's been busy around here, but we're getting things settled down. =)
Thanks! =)
That's good, wanting to raise chicks is a good sign; I hope they have already started or start laying soon!!!

Hey! Sounds like you've had a lot of problems with predators and deaths in general. Hope all goes well for you!

How many birds do you have now?

Yeah, we've been really busy the past two months. DH signed us up for two really intense courses at the same time. We'll have time to build more coops and trap predators and all that stuff we need to do. Thanks.

IDK.....14 NH + 9 NH and Cochin chicks + 4 hens + 2 Golden Nugget and her brother (but he's going to freezer camp soon) + I think I have 7 reds left + 4 Polish + 1 Leghorn + 2 Campines...I think that's it.....that makes 43, and I think that's accurate. I'll probably think of three more chickens as soon as I click submit. lol
If you count DD's five bantams, then that's 48.

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