TeaChick's Chicks

That is a nice size flock, TC!


That's a nice avi, Mitch! :)
Yeah, it's been busy around here, but we're getting things settled down. =)
Thanks! =)
That's good, wanting to raise chicks is a good sign; I hope they have already started or start laying soon!!!

Yeah, we've been really busy the past two months.  DH signed us up for two really intense courses at the same time.  We'll have time to build more coops and trap predators and all that stuff we need to do.  Thanks.

IDK.....14 NH + 9 NH and Cochin chicks + 4 hens + 2 Golden Nugget and her brother (but he's going to freezer camp soon) + I think I have 7 reds left + 4 Polish + 1 Leghorn + 2 Campines...I think that's it.....that makes 43, and I think that's accurate.  I'll probably think of three more chickens as soon as I click submit. lol
If you count DD's five bantams, then that's 48.

They haven't laid yet, still eating and the boys are romancing them but no eggs lol. Orps tend to lay late. What kind of courses did you get signed up for?
They haven't laid yet, still eating and the boys are romancing them but no eggs lol. Orps tend to lay late. What kind of courses did you get signed up for?

Yeah. Ours are New Hampshires (and some mutts and some sex links and some rare breeds, but those are just for fun).

Right now I'm taking US Hist and Logic for Lawyers. SMH; I don't really need either of those for my Psych degree, but they're electives and I need several of those. That's actually amazing since almost all the courses I took when I was dual enrolled back in high school were electives. Anyway, I'd rather take Psych courses for elective credit, but DH and I are both taking them to save on books.

I have a broody!!! She's been setting since Saturday. On Sunday, she got into the next nest (it had twice as many eggs), so I took away all but three of them next time she was back in her own nest. Then she went back on Monday to set those three eggs. So I took them out and she's been faithful to her own nest since then. She's not even a year old yet, so I'm super egg-cited!!!
Yeah.  Ours are New Hampshires (and some mutts and some sex links and some rare breeds, but those are just for fun).

Right now I'm taking US Hist and Logic for Lawyers.  SMH; I don't really need either of those for my Psych degree, but they're electives and I need several of those.  That's actually amazing since almost all the courses I took when I was dual enrolled back in high school were electives.  Anyway, I'd rather take Psych courses for elective credit, but DH and I are both taking them to save on books.

I have a broody!!!  She's been setting since Saturday.  On Sunday, she got into the next nest (it had twice as many eggs), so I took away all but three of them next time she was back in her own nest.  Then she went back on Monday to set those three eggs.  So I took them out and she's been faithful to her own nest since then.  She's not even a year old yet, so I'm super egg-cited!!!

That's quite the commitment! I'm impressed! I am not very scholarly... I couldn't do that lol. Smart to enroll in the same courses to share books! I am so jealous! I want a broody! I'm actually hoping my Orps are true to the breed and go broody right after they start laying. I want more chicks lol! Hubby ordered me some isabel orpington chicks from The Fancy Chick. I'm sooooo excited to get them!!!
That's quite the commitment! I'm impressed! I am not very scholarly... I couldn't do that lol. Smart to enroll in the same courses to share books! I am so jealous! I want a broody! I'm actually hoping my Orps are true to the breed and go broody right after they start laying. I want more chicks lol! Hubby ordered me some isabel orpington chicks from The Fancy Chick. I'm sooooo excited to get them!!!

It's not as much as it sounds like. Also, academia is...shall we say not as "selective"...as it once was. I'm getting As with half my brain tied behind my back. The ppl in my classes aren't that smart either, and they keep getting passed. lol

I looked up the fancy chick and found your isabel orpingtons. They're pretty!!!
It's not as much as it sounds like.  Also, academia is...shall we say not as "selective"...as it once was.  I'm getting As with half my brain tied behind my back.  The ppl in my classes aren't that smart either, and they keep getting passed. lol

I looked up the fancy chick and found your isabel orpingtons.  They're pretty!!!

society is doomed lol I have a 10th grade education and a GED and I can trump lawyers and doctors with my vocabulary. It's sickening. Half your brain tied behind your back-hilarious!!!!
I know aren't they gorgeous?! I am so thrilled I can hardly wait! I'm good, at little man's beck and call day and night. I feel like a walking buffet half the time lol he eats like a horse! Good thing I milk like a dairy cow!
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society is doomed lol I have a 10th grade education and a GED and I can trump lawyers and doctors with my vocabulary. It's sickening. Half your brain tied behind your back-hilarious!!!!
I know aren't they gorgeous?! I am so thrilled I can hardly wait! I'm good, at little man's beck and call day and night. I feel like a walking buffet half the time lol he eats like a horse! Good thing I milk like a dairy cow!

LOL I know what you mean; I feel the same way. Although my vocabulary isn't expansive and I can't spell for the life of me, if I'm making the grades I'm making and the other students are very obviously not doing as well as I am, then post-modern America is most definitely doomed! I have a private Christian "school" "education" and got my GED too.

They are beautiful. =)

I know what that's like!!! I've been there, done that. I always milked like a cow too. lol
So, here's my new chicken math.
I've lost some, so I've got to recount.

3 Comets + 3 Polish + 2 Campines + 1 Leghorn + 3 Reds + 1 mutt I hatched + 3 NH chicks + 3 Cochin + 14 big NH = 33 LF chickens + 5 OEGB = 38 chickens on property:
38 - 5 bantams are DD's = 33 - 1 home-hatched mutt is DS's = 32 / 2 because half of all the rest of them belong to DS's too = 16, which is close enough to make it a nice round 15, which is obviously rounded down to 12, so I've got a dozen chickens. I need more.......... Thankfully, I have a broody!!! She's sitting on 13 eggs, and I'm reasonably sure they're all NH eggs. So, hopefully, I'll have 13 more around the 20th.
Now, one might think that would double the number of chickens I have, but it won't. I'll still have a dozen, even if all the eggs hatch. Half of each of those chicks will belong to DS, just like the ones we already have. I'll chicken math them when they hatch...you know what they say Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

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