Teaching Ducks


6 Years
May 27, 2013
OK, I feel like I've posted a million threads in the short 2 weeks that we've had our ducklings! I did so much research before buying them, and as we learn more with having them I think of all sorts of questions!

So, my main question is about free-ranging our ducks. We do not have a fenced in property. We live on 5 acres and have lots of space in the back for the ducks to forage. But we don't have any large fence to keep them back there, and they could potentially wander onto the street and leave if they wanted to. Do ducks normally stick close to home and not venture too far? How do you teach them to stay near their home when you're free ranging them? I am so worried they'll wander into the road and get hit or be snatched up by someone that thinks they're just so adorable (because they are, really). I know it will be a while before they are old enough to do that, but I need to start thinking about it now. We have a shed that they will be going into at night, but I'd like them to have as much freedom as they can while still being safe. What do you all think? Can anyone share their experience of teaching their ducks to stay close to home beginning to end with what ages/how long it took etc.? We love these guys so much already and we don't want to put them in danger.

Thanks! I love this forum, so much support and information!

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