Teaching Elvis to be a chicken and a rooster

Glad he's doing better!
Thanks, we’ll see how he does as time passes.
Nobody ever accuses me of being cuddly, not even my kids. In fact, I avoid hugs and even hand shakes.
I guess the animals get all my cuddles. 🤣
I dunno, I hug my dogs but I’ve never been that way with birds. I tend to love them in other ways maybe.
Thanks, we’ll see how he does as time passes.

I dunno, I hug my dogs but I’ve never been that way with birds. I tend to love them in other ways maybe.
I don't actually hug the chickens, but I will let them sit in my lap while I groom them. Cats and doggies get lots of hugs. The cats don't particularly like that. The dogs love it.
So far Elvis is doing a fine job of being a rooster. He’s learned that when he talks about the goodies he finds it’s not a good idea to chase or peck at the girls who come to see what he has found. He’s gradually starting to leave the food for the girls and watch, only having a few nibbles here and there. I’m still dropping treats at his feet so he can call the girls over and so far we’re getting along well.

I don’t handle him except from the roost and he seems fine with that. Sometimes he’ll try tidbitting me but I don’t stand for it and step back or just go about my chores. So far I haven’t seen him mate with anyone, which is fine, but I’ll be looking for bullseyes by next spring.
I walk through them, so they have to move out of my path. Never back, and never around.
As with horses, top individuals always have the right of way.
For clarification, if the rooster tidbits me I just ignore him and go about my business, but when I’m ready to walk away I’m not going to be afraid to turn my back on him.

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