Teaching silkies use ramp


In the Brooder
Nov 10, 2023
Hi all, go my first chickens few weeks ago and now I let them use the run on day and sleep in the coop at night.
THe Bard Plymoth rock got the idea in 2 days and they go back to the coop on sunset (a bit after the automatic door closed, so I turn it off for now and close the door manually), but the silkies still don't want to go upstairs. They gather in one of the corners and scream..

I tried to change the ramp angle, sprayed and anti-slip spray and added some steps before the ramp. When I put them on the ramp and encourage them with treats and little push they do climb.

What can I do to make them go up by their own? Is my setup can be used by silkies? Should I adjust anything?

It would be easier for your birds to use the block steps versus the ramp.

I personally stopped using ramps cause I've seen them being unstable walking up on it. So I just use cinder block and create steps to there coop. They had no issues using it.
My silkies have used a ramp since the beginning. I have used boards with cleats, but now I use a ladder ramp. You can't make it too steep. I helped them up the ramp a few times and they caught on. Now they teach the chicks to go up. It wiggles back and forth sometimes. That doesn't phase them. I hope you have your birds going in by now, but I wanted to defend the ramp idea.
Last night was the first night they climb without any help!
With daily trainings before sunset, once the first silkie got the idea ther others followed!

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