Hey all. We got our first egg Saturday morning. My wife found it in the run when she went to feed them in the morning. I decided to build the nesting boxes then and got them in on Sunday afternoon. Anyway...
That first egg was less than an inch long... sooooo tiny. All the girls were pecking at it trying to figure out what the heck it was. The shell easily withstood the pecking, at least.
It was put in the fridge, and later I checked to see if there was even a yolk in it - nope. It's a whiff and a miss
But now, we still don't have any more eggs. We have 12 layers: 5 red sex links, 3 barred rocks, and 4 buff orpingtons. We figure the egg came from a sex link, since they mature sooner. We just figured that there would be more of them by now... at least just one more.
Is this normal to be teased like that?
That first egg was less than an inch long... sooooo tiny. All the girls were pecking at it trying to figure out what the heck it was. The shell easily withstood the pecking, at least.
It was put in the fridge, and later I checked to see if there was even a yolk in it - nope. It's a whiff and a miss

But now, we still don't have any more eggs. We have 12 layers: 5 red sex links, 3 barred rocks, and 4 buff orpingtons. We figure the egg came from a sex link, since they mature sooner. We just figured that there would be more of them by now... at least just one more.
Is this normal to be teased like that?