tell me about your cochins!

My Cochins both LF and Bantam are my first loves (as far as chickens) they are the friendliest and sweetest. I love Buff Orps too and my Cochin Roo and BO hen are in the same pen right now, I hatched some eggs earlier in the year and the babies are different looking but are friendly like both breeds and very large.
I'm very fond of cochins, but I have only the bantams. My bantam roo is a stinker -- but he's an entertaining stinker!
He is quite protective of his girls, but he'll also harrass them when he feels like it -- he's still a teenager, and he hasn't quite figured things out yet.
Also, he started crowing when he was only something like 9 or 10 weeks old, I think!

I have a young mottled bantam cochin chick who is a serious attention hog. She can't wait to get out in the morning, isn't afraid of much that I can tell, and comes straight up on my lap/arm/shoulder to get pats.

And they're all so pretty, whatever color. I like em!
Yep, they are standard blues, with a few black hens, but all from blue stock.
Here is my large fowl cochin rooster. He is awesome!! Super sweet and friendly. Pretty quiet. I would not consider him a protector. I have a cockeral (his son), now, he is a protector. He even attacked a squirrel that came into the yard. The squirrel had no idea what hit him. LOL.

Cochins are slow to mature!

I lost 2 Cochin Roo's this summer because they were protecting their girls!!

They're pretty calm & easy to tame (my Cochin & Brahma Roos will let you pick them up)

I did have one try to flog me & I kick him accross the yard & he figured out who was head Roo


This is Lemonade he is almost a yr other chicken is Spots EE she is 2yrs He is HUGE
& you could see she loves her man!
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What color is that??? He looks similar to a Golden Laced....

He is suppose to be a partridge but I think he has some gold laceing in him. I need a more updated pic he has filled out a lot since this was taken.
Here are Quincy and Louisa - our Cochin chicks. (Officially they are John Quincy Adams and his wife, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams).

Quincy is infatuated with our 2+ year old Buff Orpington and Delaware hens. Louisa is shy and retiring, much like our Buff Orpington! As you can see, Quincy is a frizzle.

They will be 13 weeks old on Friday. These pics are their official 12 weeks old pics...


Here is Polk, our Cochin-Marans mix chick. Of the five chicks in this year's flock addition, Polk seems to be trying for the alpha roo spot. Officially he is James K. Polk, who was known as "the dark horse".

He will also be 13 weeks old on Friday. This pic is his official 12 weeks old pic...


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