Tell me ALL about your d'Uccles!

Hi Fizzy- I got your message. Well, I currently have a young pair of millies
(popcorn and peanut) They are great. I love them. They were one of my 1st chickens. I got them when they were around 20 wks old. They were very friendly and cuddly. I got them from a lady on Catalina island. And she originally got them from someone on BYC. So, they have the puffy checks and the booted feet, AND FEATHERED LEGS. They are really good looking. In my opinion. Well since they are a small breed they mature faster and start laying sooner. Mine started laying the 1st week I had them, even dispite the fact that they were just relocated. So which also makes me think they adjust really fast too. A very hardy breed! My pullet is still real young, she has been producing an egg almost every other day. One day she gave me 3! I was so surprised. She is still tring to regulate her laying schedule. I have a friend here in CA. that has some that lay everyday. It really just depends on your chicken. The egg is precious. Small, cream colored and about the size of my index finger to my knuckle.
My pair is still nice, but since they have started mating, the roo had become more possesive about his little peanut. He will attack me, my leg. It doesn't hurt because he is so small. But he still does it. I did have him in with other chickens but he started to get a little protective and attack them. I wouldn't say he was mean, I can still hold him with no problem. He just would prefur me to stay away. ( Little man syndrome)
This sat is the chickenstock in Norco Ca. Where in Ca are you? I will have some hatching eggs to give away, if you can make it you can have them. Also, my friend Lynne, she live in Warner Springs. She has Millies and black Mottled D'Uccles. They are all really nice. She sells eggs if your interested. I can give you her info. I hope this helps~ Tacey
Thanks for all the info & pics!Although i wont be interested in buying eggs though. I just wanted to know a little more info pn them. But they sound great! Did She realy lay 3 eggs in one day? is that possible?
Oh, and i noticed that this post needs a pic of d'uccled eggs. could you help her out and post the picture?

Any more?
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Hey Fizzy- Your welcome! I had someone PM me that I think was supposed to be for you. Here it is...
Check with Miss_Jayne...She is currently offering hatching eggs and could tell you about their personality, etc.

Tell her I sent you...Thanks.

P.s.- Miss Jayne is very sweet and would love to help you!~ TACEY
Oh and yes it is true, she did lay 3 eggs in 1 day. I couldn't believe it myself. There were only 2 birds in the coop, her and popcorn. Amazing but true!
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this is my Nimmy, she is a cuddle bug, loves sitting in my lap and is great with my young silkies, and is a talker- she hasn't started laying yet- i think she came from privett-


I have a trio and then 5 babies i hatched from them. We got them from Ideal Hatchery. Mine are pretty flighty (never come to be pet). They will come for treats and if you do pick one up they coo like doves almost non-stop. I think that it is very cute. Our rooster, Ricky, attacks me almost every time he sees me. He also attacks the dogs if they get too close to the hens. He has never broken skin though so it doesn't bother me. The hens lay almost everyday, but it took them forever to start. I got them in April and they didn't lay until about Thanksgiving time. Then they were only laying about 1 egg a week because of the weather. The egg are small but delicious. Here are some pics of mine:

The new babies with a barred rock chick i got:

Ricky (he does fine with the other hens, but can't seem to fertilize their eggs):


And Libby and Bachi (my adult hens):


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