Tell me ALL about your d'Uccles!

Got you message, love my d'Uccles, mine are non hatchery stock, in fact 2 are old show birds, they lay regulary unless you promiced them to someone
. I've got mille fluer and mottled. the mottled are fom this year 5 roos, 1 pullet there black and 3 blue 1 roo 2 pullets. I don't have pictures but will get some.
The d'Uccles that we have are hatchery stock, but sweet. They are sporadic in their laying. I had one that went broody and, unfortunately, became very mean while she was broody - my daughter called her Satan she was so mean. Once she was no longer broody she was back to her sweet self though. The one you see in my avatar is no longer with me...we lost her and her sis (as well as 10 other hens!) to a mean neighbor's dog in March.

The d'Uccles are one of my fav breeds due to their sweet disposition. Out of all the many breeds that we have, the d'Uccles have by far been the sweetest. Once I rehome a lot of my roos that I've hatched out of various breeds, I plan on getting more d'Uccles and getting several diff colors. I also really love their size. They're not much bigger than a dove. I
I just love our D'uccles. We have 3 pullets and all three have different personalities. I did not raise them from small chicks, but got them when they were about 12 weeks old from my cousin that because of village ordinances, had to get rid of all of his chickens. They are hatchery babies.

Mildred is flighty and afraid to be touched.... Hannah is very similar to Mildred. but Emma... she is awesome. She comes up to us and is inquisitive. She talks and coos and sometimes squats so that I can pick her up. Once, she crossed the road, and went up to the neighbor girl. The little girls just bent down, and picked up Emma.

They must be almost done molting, because I got 3 eggs tonight. This winter, I got three eggs every dau when I had the light on them. We use these eggs when we need half an egg for a recipe

The TOP egg is a Leghorn egg. It's almost a large egg.
as you can see.. year old D'uccles lay a good sized egg.


We also took Emma to a Nursing home this winter....

First she needed a bath the night before...




We dried her off really good before we took her back outside to be in a separate pen until the following morning.

Then it was off to the home...



This is Mildred.. taken this spring. Since her molt.. she is a lot whiter!


Here is Hannah right after she laid her first egg. If you look close, you can see the egg underneath her.

WOW!! shes soo pretty!

Thanks, she lives in my art studio and will sit on the back of my chair chattering and cooing, looking over my shoulder- by far she is my fav
this is after her first bath

i have a black mottled and a self blue (hatchery stock). both are hens and the sweetest things ever!!!! they're almost 5 years old and more beautiful than before! at the moment the mottled (Tiny) is staying inside. the poor hen has wayyyyyy too many handicaps
she has a folded under toe (that foot is barely alive- even when cut back too far the toenails don't bleed!), one eye blind due to cataracts, foot feathers that constantly break off and bleed, her other eye was pecked and she keeps it closed most of the time now (there's a big bruise on the lid), and yesterday she ate some of my paint when i was painting with her on my lap! it was non-toxic (thank goodness) and she's okay... anyway, the self blue is named wobble and she very much fits her name-she is the quirkiest chicken ever
she actually gets jealous if i pick up another chicken, so she flies up and pecks the other chicken till it hops down, then she just walks proudly away! d'uccles have such personality!

oh, here's a pick of the two of them (with their best bud, anna, my black rosecomb)
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