Tell me it will be SOON!!!!!!!!!!


11 Years
May 15, 2008
Northern Maine
OK I have 3 jumbos (21 weeks), 18 RIRs (16 weeks old) 1 black jersey giant (16 weeks) and 1 australorp (16 weeks) Shouldn't at least ONE of these be laying by now?? I'm starting to think I'll never have any eggs!!!
My Australorps are 21 weeks and I'm still waiting. I feel like Yukon Cornelius throwing the mineral pick in the air - - -nothing! 22 week old orpingtons, 21 week old wyandottes... sussex also 21 weeks... ameraucana that 25 weeks... anything? Girls? Nothing?
That's awful sussexgal!!! I hope my girls are laying before 25 weeks!!! I did the fake eggs in the box trick. Any other suggestions????
Most of my first chickens are 20 1/2 weeks old and none are laying yet. It's driving me crazy!

They are RIR, EEs, Polish, Cochins, Ameraucana, Hamburg, Phoenixs, Black Jap, Silkies and a couple barnyard mixes. The only eggs I get are from my two older auction hens and an Exchequer thats a month older than the others.
I think the posts of people whose chickens lay at 18-19 weeks are the lucky ones. From what I have read and heard, 26 weeks is when to start expecting eggs. If it happens sooner, YIPPEE! If not, then you are not disappointed. Win-win, right?
My chickens are about 6 months old now, 1 buff wyandotte, 3 Easter Eggers, 3 light brahmas. Their faces have turned red but no one even has wattles yet!!! It's killing me!!
I only have one who started laying at 19wks. The other two (only three laying so far) were around 23-24wks. My EE is 25wks and no eggs yet.
Now I really didn't want to hear that Miss. Prissy. I'm worried my aussies are actually JGs and I don't want to wait that long to have all my girls laying!

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