Tell me the truth about hatcheries, please

I hear you. I think it's actually a good thing you couldn't get the images out of your head. That's what needs to happen. People need to see what actually happens behind the scenes, and then listen to their gut on whether that is right or not. And you are very right again that so many of these are the same battle. Really it boils down to honoring the earth & her creations. Whomever you feel created it, or however it came about, it's a wondrous thing that isn't found anywhere else in the universe (that we know of) & once we destroy it, she'll have a heck of a time coming back (but she will). All of the lives here are precious, those of humans of all types, colors, religions & beliefs, as well as animals of all species & intelligence (and cuteness), plants. Even the non-lives... minerals, the air, the water. I simply don't understand how some people aren't appalled at what is happening to our Earth these days

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