Telling the gender of my baby chicks

It would be pretty dishonest to sell them as sexed using a method that is not guaranteed to actually work. Just be honest and label them straight run. At least then you won't be responsible for someone getting a rooster they cannot have for whatever reason.

For the record, I tested wing sexing on 107 chicks of various breeds over the course of several years and it only correctly predicted the sex of 61 of them. Barely better than tossing a coin to predict their sex. I would not use this method to sex random chicks and then sell them as sexed.
There really is no way to accurately sex them short of paying out for DNA sexing, in which case you would be paying more than you'd likely get back for selling them. Even vent sexing takes many years of training and professionals still mess it up, hence why hatcheries generally only guarantee around 90% sexing accuracy of their chicks. The best thing to do if they are too young for physical traits to reveal their sexes is to just sell them as straight run.
Ok. How do you suggest i do it?
Fan the wing out like this, & make sure it's good, & focused if you want them sexed.

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