Temp Control


Mar 9, 2009
Western Wyoming
I thought I would show you the temp control thermostat I am using for both my incubator and brooder.


For the incubator I put the tip into a container of water so that the temp. of the water mass is read. I use a small plastic container and just put a small hole in the lid to put the probe through.

It has a plug in for what ever heating source you are using and then will turn it on or off as required.

It holds the temp great.
thanks for the lead on that controller.. I have been looking for something like that locally with no success..

but I have a question.. about your water in the incubator.. is it in a covered container so that it will not evaporate ?

have you hatched any eggs with this method?

what temp do you use for the sensor in the water, 99.5F ?
I am using a covered container. I put a small hole in the plastic container and after I put the probe in, I taped the hole. I am trying to figure out how to make a fake egg. I am thinking of making a gelatin egg and using that to hold the probe.

This will be my first hatch using this method. I have a sportsman incubator and I am finding it is giving me a better reading at egg level. 99.5

I have been using it in my brooder and it works well there.
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good.. I have 3 sportsmans.. I just started the first one up a week ago for this season.. I have only 61 eggs in there and am going to add 55 more today.. I have 28 dozen more on order in 2 weeks.. black Java and Delawares..

keep me posted how your hatch turns out with that probe..
I have a very old 1202 that does not hold it's temp real well. I am going to replace the door seal and wafer, but if that doesn't do it, I will get one of those probes..

I am working on a stacking method for in the sportsman where I will be able to almost double the amount of eggs I can incubate at one time.. for about $25.oo cost for the extra 6 trays it is like having a second sportsman..

I will let you know how it works.. In two weeks the eggs are supposed to hatch..

I also have a way to build a complete auto humidity system out of two 5 gallon buckets and a few plumbing fittings.. I built 2 of them and still have to build one more.. It costs me less than $10 , I already have the pails..
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