Temp conversions during incubating etc


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 3, 2009
It's only me again to harrass everyone, I've been reading about everything to do with incubating and stuff and keep seeing the temps of 90 - 100 and I just figured out (yer yer I'm a bit slow lately) people are talking in Farenheit.

Here in Australia we use celcius (yer spelling not much good lately either) and I've been pondering how an egg could get to boiling point and still be viable... sooo anyway now that we have established I'm the crazy aussie,

I've had another crazy idea it's so crazy it just might work... Stay tuned for that one coming at end of post.

I'm about to find an online conversion calculator so I can work out what temp in C is needed to hatch an egg.

Once I find the celcius temp I will be back to share the idea and wait to see if anyone supports the concept or can point out what the flaws will be.
Ok so 100 = 37.7 or thereabouts....

So here are my noob questions?

1. Does an incubator need a light in it or is the light strictly for heating purposes. Example let's say we had a heated box like a car food cooler/warmer thingy, no light but it holds a steady temp. Would that work or do I have to have a light in it?

2. When you turn eggs how often should they be done from when to when and how. Should they be laying on their sides and rolled or like on their ends in an egg carton and flipped that way?

3. About the humidity if a person sat bowls of water in one end would that be sufficient without having to go get "guages and stuff"

3.... ANY other advice you wish to divulge on someone who's being looked at really crazy by her husband.
I have only hatched out three different groups of eggs, but I have had a great hatch rate. I used the dry method. I put watr in when I started and just watched the humidity levels If it got below 25 I added more water. I would say you do need a hydrodmeter to measure himidity. Here we get them at Walmart its a tempa dn himidity gauge combined. I have a little giant incubaoter (cheap one) it does not have a light. but everyone that uses a homemade does have a light. They use that for heat. You will want to be able tosee the eggs. Lastely you can lay the eggs on their sides and turn or cut the bottom off an egg tray and stand them pointed side down People do it both ways. They should be turned at least three times a day until day 18 then left alone. Reading on here I find the biggest mistake peiple do is to try to adjust the tmeps all the time. I set mine at 99.5. If it goes down I put a towel or blanket over each end making sure the air holes are open. I dont candle either until day 18. I have 25 eggs in the bator now so we will see how this one hatches. If you check on the learning center here there is a page abput dry incubating. Micki
1. yes, you can use *anything* that *spread* heat. ex: heat element/bulb/*fire*

2. i use this way



3. i don't understand what do you mean, but we need hygrometer to count the humidity. to raise the humidity very2 quickly, use a sponge/piece of cloth and make it absorb warm water, put it inside bator and you will see the humidity raise very fast.

4. don't understand.

here's the result using bulb, the way of turning like above, and warm water in sponge. and i make the eggs laying just with small end down after grab out the carton on 18 days and no turning anymore.


and i need to use a kerosene lamp to provide heat when power outages happen, i think since australia close to indonesia, you can try to go to sumatra and having *power outages dinner* beside of candle lite dinner.
, hope you don't get power outages when take a vacation in bali.

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